Overland Journal Trailer Comparison


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Pics posted below

Hi everyone. Well, I have had to keep my mouth quiet for the two months as I was "sworn" to no info until the article came out in the OJ. I was told it would be for the fall issue and to my surprise it was in the summer issue I got today.:sunny:

I was lucky to get invited to bring our Kamparoo trailer for the testing, at the request of Kamparoo and Overland Journal. Honestly I would have never thought I would be asked to do something cool like this and to me, it was an honor to do so.

I am too jazzed to not say anything but I haven't gotten the pictures uploaded yet as my gallery has public viewing and I did not want to risk the pictures getting out. I will get them up tomorrow and talk a little more about the trip. :victory:

Doing a little happy dance. :sunflower
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Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Right on Mike, good deal man! Glad your still happy with your purchase and it will be nice to see all the trailers compared in the OJ.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
this could not have come at a better time!
after pulling out of town for the Continental Divide Expedition and finding out I am 830lbs over GVW not only do I want a trailer but now the wife understands the needs and is seeing the light.
I know I will go with the new Adventure Trailer clamshell as
1) they are super cool people
2) build a super cool product
3) on this trip I am seeing the need for ease of access/deployment/basecamp for folks like me with mobility issues

But the article will help the wife "see" things as she is like that....I love her but it is a see it to believe world for her.

Glad you got to play with the OJ folks!


Mike, very cool indeed, congratulations. I saved my issue for jury duty today and now can hardly wait even more. Quite a change from how I normally feel headed out from the house to jury duty.


Awesome, I'm glad you and the Roo were invited. I'll have to borrow a copy so I can read about how the Roo stacked up vs. to competition.


Well-known member
Okay some pics

I got my pictures uploaded. :lurk:

Waking up Friday morning and looking out from the hotel room.

Looked what showed up sometime after I went to bed. What are the odds?

Here's a lineup of most of the vehicles that came on the trip.

Here's Scott from OJ giving some last minute info. Thanks Scott and Chris for putting this together.


Well-known member
Pics part 2

On the trail, testing some of the articulation of the trailers. This is my favorite picture! Flex Baby!!!

Here's Andrew's killer Land Rover!!!:drool:

Chris from CampaUSA. Nice rig, cool trailer but the trailer weighed almost as much as my Cherokee.

On the trail.


Well-known member
Pics part 3

Cool Pinz that works on one of the local ranches.

Some on road testing in Prescott.

The Overland Journal testing crew heading out with the Kamparoo for the closed course testing.

Cool home in Prescott. There is a whole historic district with turn of the century homes and buildings. Very cool.

If you want to check out all of the pictures I took, check out our gallery at http://gallery.lisaandmike.org/trailertest

Enjoy. :26_7_2:

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
xj_mike said:
Cool home in Prescott. There is a whole historic district with turn of the century homes and buildings. Very cool.
Hey....That's my neighbor's house!!! I can see it out my window right now! Unfortunately, you've been suckered. That particular house was built in 1994 amidst much controversy.

Looks like you guys had a great time. I happened to see your train of rigs pull through town. I saw 5 or 6 exotic rigs in my review and immediately said to my wife, "Chris and Scott are up to something cool.....again." :)


Well-known member
Figures the one I post was a modern "historic" home. LOL Driving through town seemed like we were on parade. Glad you saw us.


ExPo Original
Nice photos Mike.

I was glad to see a Kamparoo in the review after seeing ckkone's in person last month. They are really nice trailers.

And FTR, I was left with two impressions after my visit to Prescott; Watson Lake and all of the colonial-style ginger bread houses. Just a great little town.
Campa trailer and Jeeps

The Campa is certainly very cool and I enjoyed reading about it but the review really did not speak much to how it towed with either the Campa Jeep or the JK that was on hand and that to me was a fundemental issue when I was considering a trailer.

I was very conscious that the Horizon weighed more than the Chaser but I liked the amenities of the Horizon better for what I wanted to do with a trailer. What I didn't expect was that the additional weight of the Horizon would be so noticable on the performance of my Jeep. I love my Horizon but it is IMO, to heavy for a Jeep and from what I can tell, it also has the same effect on Andrews D90. I can only imagine the 1000 plus pounds of additional weight that a Campa would add to the equation.

I know that Campas' Jeep is supercharged and frankly, my 4.0 is also heavily modfied but still.....3000 or so lbs is alot of weight for a SWB vehicle IMO. The review to me, would have been more heplful if that subject was addressed in a more insightful way. Otherwise, great read as was the whole magazine.

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