spressomon said:
Craig: Can your software easily/quickly toggle between GPS routing and non-GPS routing maps? Ideally it would be nice to be able to adjust the scale/view of each GPS "on/off" modes...
Can you actually use the software to auto-route/navigate off-road? I.e.: Mark a waypoint/destination and have it auto-route to that destination?
How many routes, waypoints does it support?
Another vote for California, Nevada + Oregon!
Right now, there is no support for routing. You are the routing engine.

I've given a lot of thought to routing support for use in rural environments and even written a prototype, unfortunately the data that is currently available from TeleAtlas and Navtec (the road networks) isn't sufficiently detailed for reliable off-pavement routing. E.g. There is no distinction between a 4x4 trail and a Forest Service road, no awareness of gates, etc. So, while it can be done technically, it can't be done reliably or in the manner in which one would expect.
By adjusting the scale/view I assume you mean adjust when it switches from one set of maps to another as you zoom in/out. This isn't exposed via the user interface, but it is very easily modified via the registry.. wait, that sounds geeky and nerdy. I can easily add that as a feature to the settings utility and will add it to my TODO list. In order to get the scale accurate, you will have to calibrate your screen (specify the height/width in inches).
It doesn't support GPX routes, only tracks and waypoints. Tracks and waypoints are essentially only limited by the amount of available memory. The tracks are indexed with a spatial index when loaded, so having many tracks that aren't inside the current map window doesn't cause a degradation in performance.
OR, AZ, and CA are nearly complete.