Boy... really sorry guys. This isn't very professional, but the truth is I've had some things happen in my personal life that have interfered with this project. Those issues are finally being resolved and I'm making progress again.
I think I'm going to develop this version following an Agile and Lean Startup model. What that means is that I'm going to try and get a minimum viable product done as soon as possible. Get it into the App Store, then add additional features a few at a time with regular updates. This means that the initial version will not have all of the features in the Windows version, but it will over time.
The old version was targeted at the US only and used a map-projection that was only suitable for maps being displayed in the mid-latitudes. The new version will be designed to support maps for the entire world. I've spent considerable time getting to know OS X and iOS over the past few months and am really excited about the design I have in my head. Next up is a wireframe mockup. I may post a link to that and solicit your input.
The really good news is that the initial set of USGS Topo maps is compiled for the new version. Compiling the maps is *by far* the most time consuming part of the app development. Overland Navigator maps are not just raw, unverified, monstrously large USGS maps available on the internet. To put this in perspective, Washington State has over 1800 maps that I manually re-projected, compressed, verified it was in the right location, and that it seamlessly edge matched with it's neighbors. That work is done for the continental US. Canada and Alaska will be done once the software has been released.
You guys have every right to be frustrated with me and I sincerely apologize for not replying on here sooner. I haven't been on ExPo for many months and was no longer receiving email notifications that you guys were replying.
Finally, the TDI is going into my truck this week, so I'll be back on the road for the first time in over a year. There is no better motivation for me than needing the system myself. All I own at this point is an iPad.
OK.. so, time for me to get designing that wireframe and coding isn't it!?