Overland TJ's (Ideas, Pic's, etc for 97-06 Jeep TJ's)


Rear tj winch (lj)

anyone considered a rear winch bumper setup?

I build this from scratch in about 2 weeks (few hours a night in the garage).
Brackets around the frame could use a little more work, but overall, its there & useful.


anyone interested in all the details, just visit the build thread on the '06 Rubicon


Awesome. Does the winch mount on the bumper? How much shipped to GA? :sombrero:

and yes... winch mounts on the bumper...

(the whole setup is used to mount a WARN M8000, controller box on the side., 1 1/4 inch body lift & requires trimming of the body (under the tailgate).

The idea behind concept is to tuck the winch as deep as possible & as high as possible, in order to keep departure angle at a proper level, like other bumpers with no winch do...


I'm in the same boat with limited storage in the TJ. My wife and I have learned to deal with it as we have always used a trailer to help with gear. A few years ago I built a slide out drawer in the back but learned quickly that sometimes you cannot open the tailgate when you need items that are stored in the drawer. So now everything is in boxes in the back or in the trailer. I store my propane on the side of the trailer and the fuel and water go in the trailer along with the EZ up tent, cooler, spare parts, clothes, and food.

here is a pic from a recent trip.


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and this is our old trailer arrangement


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Expedition Leader
I just sold my Jeep, but in the process I went through a few old photos (searching for something for the new buyer) and I thought I'd post them here. In my LJ, we got a family of 4, plus a dog, and all our camping gear on board. It wasn't easy or particularly comfortable, but it can be done. The trick for us was to build up webbing between the rear rollbar and rear seatback, and stack the soft stuff to the roofline. All our roll-up tables and collapsible chairs were tucked above the rear tire wells, and bungeed into place, so nothing intruded into the kids space in the rear seat, but it was tight!


Having a tire rack helped a lot:

Interior shot (note, this was after a few days on the trail, so the gear was a little unstowed by that point):

With the platform I referenced in the first page of this thread, it offered a lot of secured storage options:

Rear seat in:

Rear seat out, and loaded (not yet tied down)



Nikson - Great looking rear bumper. I like the idea behind 100%.

Well, I am not old, but my back is killing me at times w/cyatic nerve being naughty at times... I've previously ran receiver-type winch fr/back, but now, I figured it was time to get them in place, so I dont have to carry it.

Took some time to figure it out, but if I had to build another bumper, it wouldnt be changed much...


LJ definitely has the space, just at times you have to "think" and look for it, by putting things together in a right way.
A little hard to see in the pic. But in our TJ we ran a HighRock cargo rack over a Deck Cover. The Safari Straps let us pack the crap out of the back.


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Resident **************
These two options have worked well for me...

(Over) Packed for a week in Baja.


Packed for 4 days in Death Valley, had both of our Boxer dogs along on that trip.


I did a quick search and didn’t really find a section based directly towards Jeep TJ’s. So, being a firm believer that the TJ can make a great overland rig, I thought maybe a thread should be started. Here we can post pics of our 97-06 Tj’s, discuss storage ideas, share Tj specific mods, etc.

If this has been done before, then I apologize. If not, this thread I am sure will get some attention.

I will start it off with some pics of my 2006 Golden Eagle. Still in the building stages, but my “heep” gets me out and about where I want to go.


Right now I am going around in circles in regards to rear storage. I have a family of 5, so when the Jeep is not being used for my son and I's adventures into the back of beyond, I have got to be able to have the back seat in. Removable light rear storage is the current project taking place. I will post pics of the progress soon.

I couldn't see your pic at work, but now I can at home and I would have to advise you to remove the straps and winchline extension from your hood as dust will settle there and you will scratch the crap out of your hood. I had my winch controller attached for one hour long section of dirt road and it scratched my hood pretty good where I had it run to the drivers seat. Be warned.


I couldn't see your pic at work, but now I can at home and I would have to advise you to remove the straps and winchline extension from your hood as dust will settle there and you will scratch the crap out of your hood. I had my winch controller attached for one hour long section of dirt road and it scratched my hood pretty good where I had it run to the drivers seat. Be warned.

Thanks for the thought...but trust me...numerous crap has been stowed on the hood over the years. There are enough scratches and such...I use my Jeep daily in the mountains taking people on rock climbing trips and such, for it is the way I make some of my living. The Jeep has a daily purpose...not just a hobby.

But...with that said. It is a great point to add so that other people are made aware of the issue/risk. Sure, I guess some think its cool to sprawl gear for display...but stuff like this can make that nice, well kept rig look like a used mule.

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