Overland Van Build, GMC Savana


When looking over the Van builds thru this site I thought I might like to use a concept of a cheap build. I have always been a 4 wheeler and follow the "Cheap Truck Builds" over at Petersen's 4Wheel Off-road Magazine. We are travelers and this brings the van into our vehicle holdings as a great way to get out into the back roads and find some great new sites to visit. So after four months of reading and looking, the van has been purchased.

Many may just look at ad's and dealers lots I'm large at Goverment Surplus. If you search the smaller towns, colleges and townships you can talk to the people that take care of the units, they have records of the auto's life. My new van comes from a smaller township in an upscale area and very lillte use on her, came from Delta Township close to home. Hence We've named her "Delta Dawn".

Many may see the two wheel van as a "Roadie" only, we don't see it that way. May be not hard core off road, but we will be off-roading. Andc if we see ya in the need of a tow we may be the one to offer the tow. We did find in our search that many items we wanted just were not in the mix if we were going to take our own "Cheap Truck" we had to be willing to bend on our must haves. We wanted low miles a 3/4 ton Long Van with 6 lug wheels barn doors on the side cruise control, air, windows and locks, full panel.

What we got was low miles, air 8 lug wheels a slider door, standard van, windows and locks but no cruise, 3/4 ton panel van. I think in the start of the build the side barn doors and long van are two items that we realy wish were there.

Hope the build will beifit some maybe even get ya going.
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Van 547.JPGVan 549.JPG
When looking over the Van builds thru this site I thought I might like to use a concept of a cheap build. I have always been a 4 wheeler and follow the "Cheap Truck Builds" over at Petersen's 4Wheel Off-road Magazine. We are travelers and this brings the van into our vehicle holdings as a great way to get out into the back roads and find some great new sites to visit. So after four months of reading and looking, the van has been purchased.

Many may just look at ad's and dealers lots I'm large at Goverment Surplus. If you search the smaller towns, colleges and townships you can talk to the people that take care of the units, they have records of the auto's life. My new van comes from a smaller township in an upscale area and very lillte use on her, came from Delta Township close to home. Hence We've named her "Delta Dawn".

Many may see the two wheel van as a "Roadie" only, we don't see it that way. May be not hard core off road, but we will be off-roading. Andc if we see ya in the need of a tow we may be the one to offer the tow. We did find in our search that many items we wanted just were not in the mix if we were going to take our own "Cheap Truck" we had to be willing to bend on our must haves. We wanted low miles a 3/4 ton Long Van with 6 lug wheels barn doors on the side cruise control, air, windows and locks, full panel.

What we got was low miles, air 8 lug wheels a slider door, standard van, windows and locks but no cruise, 3/4 ton panel van. I think in the start of the build the side barn doors and long van are two items that we realy wish were there.

Hope to buld will beifit some maybe even get ya going.


Start of the Build

In reading much and watching other builds the information is in overload mode. While I have always been a 4WD DED traveler for many years last year I ran across a guy in a 2WD van that could keep up with me on most of the trails. The van was bare bones, this in return opened the door for my new project "The Cheap Van Build" as I said this is somewhat after the 4 wheel drive mags cheap truck.

Can It be done and a tasteful way, be able to handle the road well for longer trips, Take on many of the trail roads and stay in the wild for up to a week?
But also at a very low budget?

THE TRUCK/VAN is government surplus, 3/4 ton standard GMC Savana Van, Price $2,150, 5,7V/8 Auto with Air, Year 1998. FirsT step is to clean the van inside and out, change all of the fluilds as that has been done the build starts. The build budget is $4000,

To get it into my Garage I had to air down the tires,Van 538.JPGVan 537.JPG


Starting to give it a little look!

So far I have been spending my budget, that's changing, this update was not bad on the wallet, We don't want to be held back from taking a trail or two. This add-on which set me back just $268. The winch is from Harbor Freight, with the use of the 25% coupon found in their ad in 4 wheeler just under $200, 30" of 8" channel Iron $30 paint and primer $8 2 cans of truck bed liner $28 misc scrap free.

I've heard all of the harbor freight winch horror, I can tell ya most of these people never have used one. I have on a Suburban for the past 3 years it's never let me down and I've pull a few rigs out. The price that meets a small part of my budget and I think will allow me off road somewhat.

Tube stock are the supports for tow rings, harbor freight again onVan 539.JPGVan 592.JPGVan 591.JPGVan 589.JPGVan 588.JPGVan 587.JPGVan 586.JPGVan 585.JPGVan 584.JPGVan 593.JPG the 12,000 rings another $7.
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89s rule

Looks good. I am with you on the budget build. Don't see tons of that on Expo and I think finding/shopping is part of the fun.


Stay true to your budget build. In 1978, my parents bought a new E-150, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, AM radio, no AC, rear windows, barn doors, shorty. Dad put in a simple interior with a side cabinet, fold down cabinet into a table. They enjoyed their travels together, did a lot of boondocking.


As the Van Progresses the look is quick to change

This is the mounting of the winch and bumper you can see the change taking place. I was in the process of designing my own pipe bumper but had the idea of using the stock one. As you can see a simple slot cut for the cable and hook, reinforcement for the roller head and tow hooks. Bolted in place it's not bad looking. I'm going to upgrade the open area between the bumper and opening to the trucks body with some type of a metal panel, the opening to access the winch and the controls will be made out of a piece of heavy conveyor belt (Rubber). Van 597.JPGVan 610.JPGVan 617.JPGvan 2 172.JPG
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The Body Operation takes place

With the van being in the garage with the air out of the tires I will be unable to get it back inside now that I've started the body add-ons. There was a lot of panel cutting, side window, Vent Fan, Electric Cord inlet, Water Inlet and refrig vent. Then also adding of the roof rack.
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Purchasing a used Nor=cold refrigerator for $50 and than a RV Window for just $5 and power cord (30 Amp) for $25 all used, a new vent fan from e-bay for just $88 the van was ready for cutting. The other doors and access panels were new from local RV shop.Van 590.JPGVan 598.JPGVan 599.JPGVan 604.JPG


Balance of cutting

I tried to make all of the main body cuts as I will be moving the van back outside after installing the vent it will be to tall to get back in.Van 606.JPGVan 624.JPGVan 620.JPGVan 618.JPGVan 613.JPGVan 612.JPGVan 609.JPGVan 608.JPGVan 607.JPGVan 625.JPG


Outside now

New Roof vent installed and the roof rack is on top not fully installed. I'm thinking of either two trail lights installed at the bumper or a five light rack bar on the roof, any input? I'm hoping that a 3" lift and some great tires will start giving the van some holding adauitute. All of the side panels (Refrig, electric, water) will all be painted same color of the van. I'm also looking at "Rock Guard" along the bottom edge of the body with an installed rock guard reinforcement that I'm making just behind the rockers to gvan 2 173.JPGvan 2 174.JPGive it a little rock slide if needed along with steps at the two front doors, Much of the van will have to sit as winter has arrived in full force. I'll be starting the wood workings in the shop for a quick install when weather breaks.


Wow! Great progress. I need a $50 fridge find..... Where did you get a deal like that? I like the budget builds, so much more creative! Subscribed.

Sent by wing, prayer & ATT

89s rule

How was the fit with the RV window? I wanted several I found on eBay when I bought my van then did some research and found out they can have a gap because they do not have a curve built into them like van windows. I wanted the frameless all glass look but am not willing to pay $300+ for one. Looks like I will just stick with some windows out of my parts conversion van now.

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