OVRLND camper topper

OVRLND Campers

Active member
Lower pricing is always a good thing.

A good comment was made in another thread: have you thought about perhaps doing a press-brake style panel box ala Vagabond, then attaching your lifting roof to it? It might save considerable labor...although I bet a press brake of that size is quite expensive. I wonder if anyone in Flagstaff has something that big.

Such a design would save you from having to cut all the small pieces of the lower canopy, and keep you from having to skin the large parts of the frame.

I saw that, and though Im sure I could find a brake in Phoenix I am against that kind of construction for a few reasons.

1 - custom fit to any truck. With a brake I would probably have to do size runs to bring the cost down. I also like the ability to change certain things as I build one or with customer wants.

2 - adding insulation. I have seen pictures on some of the insulation added to the current slant wall wedge campers and it really isnt pretty. you instantly lose 2" interior room to silver Styrofoam. I like the ability to add it to the walls inside the tubing and being able to cover that with some Velcro and some nice fabric.

3 - Adding anything down the road. Being able to add extra support if you find yourself wanting an AC unit or heater. You could contract a local welder to add what you need and do most of the work yourself. Also knowing that you have tubing members to catch some weight and or hide some pop rivets is nice.

4 - repair is a huge design consideration. If you back into something the tube will crumple and wont affect most of the frame. Though it could be a little tweaked, most of it would come out. You could even replace a whole side panel if you needed to, or add a little aluminum patch.

Im all about new ideas, but as I see it the benefits of tube construction outweigh the production savings.

OVRLND Campers

Active member
Love this idea. I like this much more than any of the newer light weight campers currently available.

I went to NAU and some of the fire roads we used to mob down had a bunch of those little brake bumps, have you had any issues with rattling or shaking? What about the cabover portion? Does it ever hit the top of the truck if you hit a bump or anything like that?

Great work!
Thanks! if you're ever in the are let me know and ll give you a tour. No rattling issues at all. I have taken mine all over the AZ strip, down house rock, through the honeymoon trail, out to Toroweep, out to white pocket, and not a single noise.

There is quite a bit of motion between the cab and the bed, but it hasnt caused the top to hit the roof.
This is really a great idea. The market is flooded with Pre-built campers that are “turn key” but configured in the mind of someone else (driving costs to the msrp of the truck!). The greatest fun I have is tinkering and customizing my aluminum camper shell for MY uses. And it can still be used as an actual truck! Less is more amigos.

Looking forward to seeing how people customize theirs.

OVRLND Campers

Active member
What’s the condensation like in that aluminum box?
Like any tent or camper there is some especially on a cooler night. This can easily be reduced by fastening some insulation and fabric to the walls and ceiling like other slide in camper. It will still of course bead up on the canvas.

OVRLND Campers

Active member
Many people have asked about insulation for the camper and more importantly how it would look. My Partner was able to do both sies in about thirty minutes. Next up is the roof and a velcro on fabric layer to clean it up. it fits flush inside and press fits nicely... no glue needed. I dont have any wiring to the front of the camper, but it wold be hiden niclyunder the fabric layer.

Just found this thread by chance. Wish I had seen these at the Expo. Next time I head to Flag I will have to try and stop by to say hi (I go up from PHX every couple weeks). This design is very intriguing and alot closer to what I have been thinking about for my truck!
Any way to make one with a side sliding windows like a typical canopy? In looking at your pics it seems like the sides are used as part of the support system, but thought I would ask. I would use it hauling a dog around and always like having the cross breeze in there. My ideal set up would be to basically make my current Leer canopy pop up like your design, and add rear barn style doors. Only real add ons for me would be lighting and some way to have power in there. Great concept, look forward to seeing your business grow.

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