Also bought aluminum rivnuts that'll I'll be putting into the studs to assist in holding the wall up and also used to attach L track inside the camper.
Looks like a great start!
FWIW, for my Coroplast panels I went to two different fasteners. For through attachments into the frame in the corners and a few edges I used 3/4” self-tapping lathe screws with a smaller diameter 1/8” drilled starter hole. Super easy and they have an integrated washer type flat head. If you dont screw them down too tight they dont distort/collapse the coroplast and they have held really well over time. I've also used these for bungee anchors. Thought maybe they’d pull out, but they hold great for that use too.
Where the coroplast butts up to the sill plate or corners, I found some 4’x 1/4” alu angle at McMaster Carr. I cut it to about 2” pieces and put VHB on one side only. They work well to hold the edges and corners tight and flat where needed.
Sorry, no pics of the lathe screws on hand and my truck’s in getting its 500 mile diff fluid check and change after the regear break in. Can get one tomorrow if you need.
I used alu Rivnuts in several places too, mostly for heavier things like the wood panel and electric switch box combo, my Wave 3 heater and some 8020 add-on. Works great, but a bit of a PITA and overkill IMO for light stuff.