roger that Scott and I do appreciate your observations. As we know, water crossing can be very tricky, as they require a combination of the right speed and appropriate gear upon entry and throughout the duration of the crossing. The goal is to not take-in any water (not too fast, not too slow) while ensuring you're still not underpowered w/your gear selection. I've spent hours trying to master this art in some of the rivers (at varying depths) I have here at home, but I still have a lot to learn. I consider water crossings the most challenging—which is why I like them so much!! :sombrero:
Not that I am one to critic one's driving style.......:smiley_drive::snorkel::Wow1:
But Ryan... you need to slow down in these water crossings. Think of how much force you are putting into your radiator.
Water has a funny way of doing things... like...
See my license plate?
Not to mention the other, real, problems I encountered on the trip. Lesson learned. Easy does it through water crossings from here on out.