@rdcolorado, thanks for sharing your pics. We've been chatting through PM / email to get you sorted with a replacement, but I just wanted to address it here as well so others with similar issues can see. In general we have found in performance testing that delamination like this doesn't effect the performance of the cooler, so if you are ok with the appearance, your cooler will still work fine.
That being said, in the event of internal delamination, like the delam in some of the photos in this thread, we can understand that this would affect your ability to properly pack the cooler and it can be an eye-sore, or if you have a new cooler and this happens we understand that you wouldn't be happy with your cooler. As a company it is very important to us that our customers have positive experiences with our products, so if you do experience delam and would like a new cooler, send us a message with some photos and we can get the replacement process started.
@SouthernFisherman, given that you are here on this forum I'm sure you know the science already, but I just feel I should reiterate so others can understand how it happens a little better. Sometimes condensation happens due to a difference in temperature between the inside of the cooler and the warm humid air outside. If the inside of your cooler is nice and cold, this will make the surface of your drain cold. Since our drains are quite large and solid plastic (dual drains, one large drain and one small with a hose attachment), there's a lot of surface area that gets quite cold. If the outside air is warm and humid when it comes in contact with the cold surface of the drain condensation can occur.
That being said, I know you mentioned that you got your cooler August 3rd, but I'd still like to send you another drain to try incase that helps. If you could PM me your address I'll have one sent out. I'll also ask the product design team if they have any tips to reduce condensation and post back here.