Packing Heat...who does it?



Just wondering how many of you carry a gun when you go out on trips.

My little brother (who is a COP now) said I should purchase a hand gun for my trips.

He said I will probably never have any need to fire it but just having it can deter someone from pulling a "Hills Have Eyes" on me.

I checked with the BLM and they said as long as the gun is unloaded and not concealed you can carry it with you.


i take a shotgun where it's legal to. i'll be 21 in a year, so you can bet i'll be getting a handgun then and will carry it on all trips, pending the proper paper work and hours upon hours of training at the local range.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Never have, never will. I've traveled in a lot of places from backcountry Alaska to war torn third world countries rife with crime. I have never even remotely felt a gun was necessary. In fact, I'd wager to bet my few sketchy situations would have been rapidly worsened with the presence of a weapon. Good smarts and savvy traveling trumps fire power any day.

For those who feel threatened enough to feel they need a gun, I am not judging. I just chose not to live or travel that way. In fact, if anyone travels with me, I really prefer they not have guns with them and almost none of my traveling buddies own guns.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I never carry. Don't really have specific reason why i don't, just don't. Brought up around guns, know how to use them.. but just don't.

go ahead and get your concealed permit also.

Good luck with that..... never gonna happen in California ;) No excuse is good enough, not even to protect your life.


I carry most places.

But then again Im one of those crazies so take that for what its worth.

Once sept comes around Ill be able to CC nationwide, so something will be coming with me on all trips I take.
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Expedition Leader
Just a question to the folks that have said "yes":

Why would you publicly advertise, on an open forum, that you carry?


Just a question to the folks that have said "yes":

Why would you publicly advertise, on an open forum, that you carry?


Im on a ton of "gun" forums where its talked about anyway...not really any different from here.

Also, I think that its something that should be talked about. If more people talked about it, certain parts of the country and demographics (which I realize, isnt that simple) that think of guns as "evil" and "only for criminals" might be coerced into realizing that they arent as bad as some people make them out to be.

I truly believe that an armed society IS a polite society.

And I guess the biggest reason that I dont really care if anyone knows that I carry is because 1) I dont know any of you personally, and 2) Ill be sworn soon and carrying as part of my job (on and off duty)


Never have, never will. I've traveled in a lot of places from backcountry Alaska to war torn third world countries rife with crime. I have never even remotely felt a gun was necessary. In fact, I'd wager to bet my few sketchy situations would have been rapidly worsened with the presence of a weapon. Good smarts and savvy traveling trumps fire power any day.

For those who feel threatened enough to feel they need a gun, I am not judging. I just chose not to live or travel that way. In fact, if anyone travels with me, I really prefer they not have guns with them and almost none of my traveling buddies own guns.

x2 and yes I have a fire extinguisher. Have a few guns in my closet from my early days of hunting though that have not seen daylight since my kids were born (12 years). Kind of lost interest.
Just a question to the folks that have said "yes":

Why would you publicly advertise, on an open forum, that you carry?

So the boogymen can have a heads up.

A better question would be "why would you be afraid to?". I'm not afraid to exercise any of my rights as a citizen. Nor am I afraid to tell others about exercising them.
It's really too bad that carrying a gun, and guns in general, have been vilified in the past 30 years or so. Seeing as how it's the person who wields the weapon who is ultimately responsible. And most people who legally carry are ultimately more responsible than the average person.

With that said, and to go along with the tenor of the site lately-

This thread has NOTHING to do with adventure travel!

If I were a moderator, I'd axe it a heartbeat!

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