Paris / New York - Transcontinental 2009


That isn´t true at all.
You´re getting all the available information here in the forums ASAP.

No, we're not. Sometimes you're a day or two behind. Look at the post you made today. They've been in town for more than a day and your last post has them trying to reach the pass. That's more than two days behind the messages posted in German.

Look at post #123 in this thread.

That's fine with me, BTW. But people wanting daily updates need to look at the site.

22.01.2010: 106. Kurzmeldung (11:50 Uhr MEZ)

Heute Morgen zeigte sich einmal mehr, wie herzlich wir hier willkommen sind, wie gastfreundlich die Menschen in Tschukotka sind. Wir erhielten einen Anruf des Bürgermeisters, dass seitens des Leiters der Regionalregierung eine "warme Box" gefunden wurde. Wir mögen bitte zur technischen Schule gehen, dort erhielten wir weitere Informationen. Sofort machten wir uns auf den Weg und wurden von dem Direktor der Schule freundlich empfangen. Man wolle eine Box so umräumen, dass unsere Autos für die gesamte Dauer der Reparatur dort stehen könnten, erklärte er uns und sagte, man sei gerne bereit zu helfen. Die Box habe eine Grube und Hebekran! Es war in unserer Situation wie Weihnachten. Sehr dankbar bugsierten wir die Fahrzeuge immer noch von dem Warteplatz am Rande der Stadt in die Box. Anschließend fand dann ein Treffen mit ranghöchsten Vertretern der Regionalregierung und Stadtadministration statt. Interessiert tauschten wir uns im Hauptgebäude der Administration bei Kaffee und Tee aus und besprachen die weitere Vorgehensweise. Im Verlaufe des Gesprächs offerierte man uns dann nochmals alle nötige Unterstützung. Wir boten im Gegenzug an, dem Kindergarten, der Schule, der technischen Schule und grundsätzlich allen Interessierten für Vortrage, Gespräche, den Kulturaustausch zur Verfügung zu stehen, so lange wir hier sind. Mal ganz ehrlich: wo gibt’s so was bei uns? Komm doch heute mal an den Stadtrand irgendwo auf der Welt gefahren und frage um eine Wohnung für dein Team, eine Stellmöglichkeit für große Trailer und einen Arbeitsplatz, um zwei Fahrzeuge zu reparieren. Das ist die Herzlichkeit und Freundschaft der russischen Bevölkerung.

Ich denke, Tschukotka bietet eine unglaubliche Vielfalt, an Besonderheiten und könnte einiges im Bereich des Tourismus bewegen. Es sind bizzare Bilder der wilden Natur, der Ruhe, die bezaubernde Schönheit der Tundra die der Reisende sieht. Selten sah ich einen klareren Himmel, mehr Sterne, wildere Täler, war die Stille besser zu hören als hier. Ich wünschte, viel mehr Menschen machten sich auf den Weg, um diese wunderbare Gegend unserer Erde kennen zu lernen und kann es nur jedem empfehlen - er/sie wird begeistert sein!

Während ich diese Zeilen schreibe, beginnt draußen der Sturm nach und nach seine Kraft zu entfalten. Der Wind hat deutlich zugenommen, Schneefall hat eingesetzt, Böen wehen durch die Straßen.
Last edited:


Sea ice conditions in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea as of Jan. 21st, 2010


Purple is the highest concentration of sea ice but doesn´t give any information about the thickness...


New member
This is the way i would take based on the material i have. It is also safer to go more along the coast then inland, more inhabbited.

I marked my alternative route with blue dotts.
Will be intresting to see what way they will take!


  • 3635782.jpg
    418.4 KB · Views: 15


New member
Nice pictures!


1. I would like to see bigger and more images
2. As a poster said earlyer: bits and pieces are spread around. Keep, the most up-to-date. please.
3. Updates. Some days 2-4 times a day. Then you have to wait 4 days. Once every 24H would be good.

I know i cant demand this, but as a "fan" of this trip, it is from my view.

Take my words the right way, it is only for the better.
And i know my english sucks. =)

Best regards,



That isn´t true at all.
You´re getting all the available information here in the forums ASAP.

Just found the last updates to 1/22 on the other site. Good to know that they made a friendly town that can help with repairs! Can't wait to see (hopefully) the progress they were able to make this week! :smiley_drive:


As they are not showing any more pictures or mention what´s broken on the cars I guess they are quietly waiting for FedEx to deliver whatever has to be replaced...or maybe they have even flown home for a little R&R..... :coffee:


As they are not showing any more pictures or mention what´s broken on the cars I guess they are quietly waiting for FedEx to deliver whatever has to be replaced...or maybe they have even flown home for a little R&R..... :coffee:

Perhaps they're having a reality check.


New member
I think Fedex dont deliver anything up there.
My guess is IF they need any special parts is that can bring them over from US.
It is expensive and some walls to break, customs and officials. But hey, sometimes things can work smothe too.

From my point of view, is that the team is cold and exousted, and needs new energy. Thats natural.
If you have a unlimited budget anything (almost) is possible.
But, it you have to struggle with the cold, broken special parts, customs, snowstorms and maybe a illnes or simmilar. Then things are tuff. If you have to think about the budget twise, then things are even more hard.

If i was there, and if the budget was limited, i would do anything to get to Uelen. What ever the cost.
Once they are in Uelen, there are numbererus of things that can go wrong, but they have to get there to see what obsticales that will meet them.
Some years Bering strait looks one way, the next year anoterher way.

As usual, i am wild guessing here, and having a glass of Chardonnay.
If i had the $ i would take the next filght over there.
Looking forward to next update.



They can´t have been that exhausted from the "ordeal" at that little pass, because they still shot panoramic pictures from high up un the ridges...and now they have been in a cosy warm place for a week without sending any updates whatsoever....I have read of other people on the road here that have connected more with their readers....


They can´t have been that exhausted from the "ordeal" at that little pass, because they still shot panoramic pictures from high up un the ridges...and now they have been in a cosy warm place for a week without sending any updates whatsoever....I have read of other people on the road here that have connected more with their readers....

I wonder why their spot coverage map doesn't work?

They seem to have been towed to town, I assume by tracked vehicles. That would eliminate their major goal of circumnavigation with a wheeled vehicle.

They also still face the Bearing straight and then a trip along Alaska's north shoreline. Which to me seems impossible - but I have no experience with that sort of journey.

All this would seem to call for a major reassessment. I expect they will talk after deciding how to proceed.


I will be following this. Is there anyway to see you come into New York? I don't want to mess with your sheduale, but it would be cool to meet up on the road to caravan you guys in!


I wonder why their spot coverage map doesn't work?

They seem to have been towed to town, I assume by tracked vehicles. That would eliminate their major goal of circumnavigation with a wheeled vehicle.

They also still face the Bearing straight and then a trip along Alaska's north shoreline. Which to me seems impossible - but I have no experience with that sort of journey.

All this would seem to call for a major reassessment. I expect they will talk after deciding how to proceed.

I guess the tracking doesn´t work because the got the cars inside in a garage of some sort?

They were towed but stayed on their own tyres so they are still dong fine about the wheeled vehicle "circumnavigation" which they are not doing. They just want to drive from Europe to New York....and that´s been tried first 102
years ago with a race.

We´ll eventually be told what´s going on....

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