Part time living in a camper?


I was considering doing the same thing this time last year but decided not to take the job. I'd have no hesitation about living in my pop-up for work and having gym membership for showers and working out. There's a couple right now doing it full time, Traveling Trio. The third member of their trio is their dog. They recently left the Four Corners area and are no in North Dakota harvesting sugar beets. Here's a link to their Facebook page,, but you could probably do a web search for their blog also.


I'll be doing something similar next year. Our commute is around 1 1/2hrs each way door to door, wears you down after a while. A van/box truck would be perfect IMO, keep it nice and stealthy, easy to move and have it so not too much light/sound creeps out.

Ours isn't that stealthy though, figure the industrial area I'll be parking it in during the week won't be too bad though.


Expedition Leader
1leglance has the best idea. I lived in my RTT on a trailer for few months when I took a new job. That got old. The van idea is very stealth, leave the bed made, easy to keep dress cloths nice.
Your day, get out of bed, walk to drivers seat, drive to gym
work out and shower
work - stay late to catch up on on-line stuff
park van, read and go to bed

repeat till Friday when you "go home"


Expedition Leader
You know, it really is not that bad of an idea. If I could find one that was already converted like the one that 1leglance gave me that would be cheap and an easy solution.


SD, I've got a buddy with A LOT of experience with doing exactly what you're talking about. I'll see if I can get him to drop in.


Expedition Leader
Awesome, thanks man.

My only worry about it is this. What if I have to go meet a client? "Oh, hey prospect, how do you like my step van?"



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
rent a car for any client meeting...
Honestly someone like Enterprise will bring the car to your office and since it is work related you can write it off on taxes.
Makes it cheap and easy.


rent a car for any client meeting...
Honestly someone like Enterprise will bring the car to your office and since it is work related you can write it off on taxes.
Makes it cheap and easy.
If you get a 1099, it's a business expense, but if you're a W-2 employee, you're out of pocket business expenses can't be reimbursed by your employer and need to exceed 2% of adjusted gross income before it's deductible.


Have you checked around to see if there are camping areas close to work? It is much nicer to be legal camping instead of always worrying about being "Busted" for stealth camping.

What you are wanting to do is possible but would be much nicer if you have power, water, sewage, and the ability to sit outside and drink a beer before bed.
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West slope, N. Ser. Nev.
Places to camp or layover in Orange County are uncommon. I would go so far to even say the L.A. basin is the least RV friendly metro area in the lower 48; well, maybe NYC is worse but there are places there too to overnight. Of all the 'made for living in' RV's that have the smallest footprint, a hard side truck camper fits the bill. Why? It doesn't change shape and does not look particularly like you are on vacation. With the shades drawn, lights off, I does not look like anyone is home. This is with a range top, 2 sinks, a small fridge, hot water, a furnace, a toilet and 2 showers, 200Watts of solar, LED lighting, a queen size bed that we get the best night's sleep ever. Some of the appliances are 3-way: 12vDC; 110vAC; propane. We have successfully camped/overnighted down to 05 degrees F and lived to tell about it. Don't try that in an all metal Van with no insulation. Jeanie and I have spent more than 200 nights, many of them stealth camping (I prefer, "layovering") in cities, large and small. In our case, we are really traveling and just having a layover for one night. There is an art to finding a good spot for the night. The thing is, one night is enough to not draw much attention to yourself. Spend a little time exploring Tioga George's Blog. He spent 25 years in a Class C and never paid for lodging. Another good bet is to go to camper forum and search full-time or long stay or part time. There are surprisingly a lot of people out there that have done what you want to do and learned the ropes.
How about exploring the campgrounds up Trabucco or Majeska Canyons? Many Marina parking lots allow boaters to overnight near their boats. This place you're going to do some work for: do they have a back lot you could conceal yourself in? Or, any connections to a storage lot or similar.
When I was 6 months from retiring from the L.A.Philharmonic, we sold our home and moved to the West Slope, Northern Sierra Nevada, but I had to finish out my contract at the Hollywood Bowl. I tried to get the Bowl management to let me park my truck camper in the dirt on the upper storage area and run an AC cord to the warehouse, but it did not work out. Then I contacted a campground in the Valley to see if I could get a campsite for 4 months. The lady asked what kind of 'Coach' I had and I murmured that it was a truck camper. She said we only allow 'coaches' (code for big F-ing MoHo) and they must be less than 10 years old. That let me out even though my Lance was only 8 yrs. old. I was about to ask if I could park in our old Church's parking lot during the week when I asked a buddie who lived next door to the church if he could take me in for 4 months. He could and he did. I paid for room and board. It worked out great. Maybe the business could hook you up with an extended stay motel close by? There has got to be a congenial end to your search for living accommodations for specified period of time. Good luck and do report how you're doing. It would be instructive for many of us readers.
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There's quite a few places you could probably stealth camp in holy jim canyon down in RSM/Trabuco Canyon area. I grew up there (been about 15 years since I lived there), but there used to be a ton of squatters down that way. A bit of a commute to irvine, but it could work?

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