Part time living in a camper?


Rock hound
I spent 2.5 months in that neck of the woods this winter. Finding places to camp was quite tricky, but doable. I did, however, have a fairly incognito setup. Most neighborhoods around that area are savvy to boondocking and discourage it.

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Good luck finding anywhere to camp around Irvine. The whole town is run by HOA nazi types. Orange county has so many laws, parking restrictions and enforcers, it would be very tough to do anything that was not on private property. I searched for years just trying to find a patch of dirt to photograph trucks on; no dice. Go as stealth as possible.


I lived in my truck camper for 5 years here in Orange County so I have a bit of experience in this area. The stepvan idea is sound, thousands around and no one even notices. But you'll need more then a basic conversion for full time living. Fresh water tank size along with grey and black tank sizes make a huge difference in your lifestyle. Sure you can shower at the fitness place but that will get old in a couple months and dealing with a porta potty around the OC isn't much fun either. So tank sizes are going to be your biggest issue. After dealing with water issues you'll need at least two 12v batteries that are only charged by the truck when it's running, otherwise when you wake up in the morning you'll need a jump start.

Hard side camper only! There is no quiet time in the OC! And sometimes it seems like every teenager in the county owns a mega watt stereo and plays it day or night! Pop ups just won't cut here if you like to sleep. Plus everyone knows when you're you inside.

Stealth helps but for the most part I was only asked to leave places a few times in 5 years. That being said Irvine is a very camping unfriendly place! Unless your 100% in stealth mode you'll probably be found and asked to leave. Don't get me wrong here, Irvine Police are ok folks and as soon as the realize your not a criminal they'll just send you on your way, hopefully without a ticket. Irvine is mostly upscale (huge snob factor) and camping in parking lots doesn't fit their image. Plan on heading up to Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove so some place like that. Be aware of the area you are in, some places in those cities are gang areas and your stay won't be pleasant.

One way it worked for me was to explore various areas and find places I could frequent. It won't take long to find a dozen or so places to stay where you can get a good nights sleep. Then only stay one night at each place. Sucks but no one really notices the occasional camper in a parking lot. The problems can begin if they think you've moved in for the season! I've never stayed in a Walmart where I got any sleep, avoid them. Hardware stores seemed a bit better. Medium shopping lots seemed to work the best.

Sources for fresh water and dumping tanks will be a issue depending on tank size. There are RV web sites that show locations of dump stations around the county. Quite a few U Haul stores had dump stations where you could dump for a few dollars. You will almost certainly be paying for using the dump stations unless you've already paid for an RV space for the night.

Another idea is if your a member of a national lodge. Elks, Moose or others like that. Some of the lodges will have RV spaces you can rent for cheap along with a dump station you can usually use for free or just a couple bucks. Plus they're nice places to spend some time meeting locals. Often even if the lodge doesn't have RV spaces they will let you plug into electricity for the night and top off your water tank. If you plan on being here in the off season you might locate some of the smaller RV parks that are not near the local theme parks, many have very reduced rates during the slower winter months and if you'll commit to longer terms then the usual week or so they tend to make deals for those folks. They tend to make pretty good deals if you'll be there for months.

By the way, I'll be returning to full time living in a camper in December. Sure have missed it! Check back with me in a few months and I'll let you know if anything has changed.

Hope this helps a bit. Feel free to ask me any questions! Happy camping, Jim.


Expedition Leader
Damn thanks for all that input!

Did you have a pass through or did you have to get into your camper to get to the cab? From what I've heard that makes a HUGE difference.

Still considering the camper idea...but also back to the thought of commuting...I will have a pretty flexible schedule so I might be able to leave before traffic...but not sure.

Thanks again for everyones input!


Was the pass through question for me? If so, I've owned various types of campers most all my life. Out of all of them only one had a pass through that I used. Others could have been but they are a huge hassle to use IMHO. Even in foul weather I still just go out the door and into the cab. But then again I'm 6'2, 200 pds so climbing through small holes just ain't so easy for me! lol I could see the value of that in the van. I did have a camper van years ago and that was a nice way to camp but only for very short trips. Problems there go back to the water and holding tank issues I raised earlier.

Some other thoughts, if you're going to be here over the summer you'll want to have air conditioning. Inland OC can get very hot and humid with little breeze at times. If your dry camping then that will mean running a generator which lets everyone around you know you're home and inside. Also if they run off the campers propane you'll be refilling your propane tanks every couple of days. I would plan on needing hook ups in the summer.

Winter here is pretty nice but you'll still want to have a heater for the really cold nights. It's not that it gets below freezing but you'd be surprised how quickly a camper or van bleeds off warmth at night. If you build your own van make sure you're using the proper type of heater so the gf doesn't get one of those horrible phone calls the next day. If you have hook ups then an electric heater will do just fine.

Another thought, unless you have a personal reason I wouldn't give much thought to trying to use solar panels. I've had them and were only good at keeping the batteries topped off when I was away from the camper for a week or two at a time. If you buy a used camper that has it then ok but don't put that on your list of gotta have's when shopping for a camper.

By the way, craigslist is a great tool for finding used campers. Set a low price limit of $200 and a high price of about $3000 and you'll be surprised at how many are out there. Of course a higher price will get you a nicer camper but I found a great buy at $1900. Everything works and no leaks! When your ready to start looking let me know and I'll help you a short list of things to look out for before buying.

Anything else just ask! Jim.


Learning To Live
Since I work more than 100 miles from home, I have done this most of the time for many years now. So much that it has made sleeping in a house seem very unfamiliar. I have found that a truck with a camper shell well equipped allows me to stealth cam wherever and still live like anyone else. In fact, I even wear pressed pants and shirts to work every day and nobody would ever guess that I just spent the night on a back street or the woods! Sure, I don't have much room, but I can be literally anywhere and set up without anyone even knowing I am there. I have one of those little Helio showers so, any little dead end street, or alleyway, or little patch of woods for 10 minutes becomes my bathroom. Biodegradable soap is not the nicest to your skin, but it does the job with minimal impact. Of Course a gym membership solves any issues there. So, I say very doable; especially with an actual camper!


New member
I'm about to cut a pass-thru, for several reasons. Main problem for me is *easily closing it off in an insulated manner. Think I'll use a sliding door, tho a bi-fold would be easier. Slider is better for blackout, too. Main problem is making the gusset between cab and box, to allow for chassis twisting; probably be fine with vinyl paint over both sides of heavy canvas.
Thoughts? I'm only starting on an ambu conversion.


Go a stealthy as you can tolerate. Advertise in CL for a flat driveway, parking lot, or any flat private property where you can pay the owner a few buck a month to park most weeknights. You might be able to work a deal for a plug in, too.
Buckets (5 or 6 gal twist on lid with gasket) can be used as holding "tanks" and beings as your only staying in it to sleep, the manageable amounts can be addresses/dumped at home (tie bucket down so no sliding around!). Look into various methods to keep stink down...chemical or adsorbent material in a plastic bag inside.
For only sleeping (not hanging out) I would go with a pickup with a nice shell. Very stealthy. Shower in mornings and dress at gym/club.
Mattress and warm sleeping bag plus LED lantern/flashlight, and get coffee in am at mickeyD's.
Lotsa different ways to skin this "cat".....


I love this discussion. When I was young and adventurous I lived in my custom van in Sandiego.
I moved from beach to beach nightly . Did this for over a year .
Don't know if this would be possible today . It is a pretty heavily regulated aria now.
Sure had a lot of fun though.
At the time , Blacks Beach was my favorite haunt.


Part time fulltimer
I'll probably get flak for this, but you're really not supposed to stay at a Walmart for more than one or two nights - the same one at least. We've been fulltiming in our truck camper for a few months now and I'm amazed at what people do in Walmart parking lots - running generators (annoying), putting their stabilizers down (can damage soft asphalt), watching their huge tv's with windows wide open so everyone can look in, dumping big bags of trash in the parking lot trash cans, parking in the middle of the lot instead of on the outskirts, etc...

There are some basic boon docking guidelines, and that's one of them. These folks are just asking for Walmart to change their policy and ban overnight parking along with the rest of the places that already have.

Honestly in your situation I'd try to find an authorized parking spot - someone with a piece of land or parking lot or big driveway who wouldn't mind letting you stay and maybe plug in to some electric in exchange for some cash or services. You'll sleep a lot better knowing you were invited to be there, and not feel obligated to buy things all the time (I do) to feel ok about using a business' parking lot. You could still save a ton of money but the stress level would be lower. Stress comes in all forms from subtle to obvious. Maybe some business owner would be happier with you spending the night behind their shop just for extra security and eyes on the property, who knows?

You could try a site like boondocker's welcome


^^^^^^ Agree. Strongly. The "abusers" in many (if not all) parts of life cause restrictions/regulations that cost the rest of us both privileges and doller$...


Part time fulltimer
What if you found a nearby business where you wanted to park and let them plaster your stealth rig with advertising in exchange for the parking privileges?

If anything could make a stealth rig stealthier, that would be it :D


Well-known member
For a stealth stay, probably nothing beats a hospital parking lot in a city. Sit and watch TV in the ICU or operating waiting room, use the cafeteria, let security see you in the lobby and catch the mane of a patient, you can do that by talking to other visitors and you'll hear all about the problems. Going in and out several times a week can justify your stay, many hospitals have areas to park and have electrical hookups, it's all about who you know and who you know of. ICU patients usually don't see casual friends, just family, they may not know who's there or know you there is seldom any verification of who you might be there to see or find about or be there to support any family member.

Auto service centers are good, you're just there to get a repair, the authorities don't know who customers are and won't ask. Sopping centers have service entrances at the rear, no one is at the Sears Catalog Store after 10 pm and a truck parked near a loading dock isn't that alarming. Just don't pull out the BBQ.

If you look and act like you're suppose to be someplace, people won't question you and if they do, have an answer for them, but no, I'm not camping. Be invisible by being in plain sight. I caught a few hours of sleep at a police station parking lot, just don't get out, that's the last place anyone would go and it's easier to say I came here to be safe at a public place to rest a couple hours before getting back on the road, but no one ever asked.

My urban boondocking is for a few hours, I'm not setting up camp.

Learn the art of "pretexting" just as a private investigator will do, watch some old Rockford Files shows, he had a reason to be wherever he was.

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Expedition Leader
Reviving my old thread here... I accepted the job and have been doing the commute for the last two months. Needless to say, I am getting sick of it and it is KILLING my bank account.

So I'm back to looking at the camper situation but a little different than what I posted earlier.

Now I kind of want to get a callen or six-pac that will fit my current F-150 and stay in the camper somewhere around work 2-3 nights a week. Luckily, I pay for a parking garage right now that has parking areas that are not in the parking garage that I could stay in...but that would not be very covert. It's in the industrial area of Irvine, CA so there are plenty of spots for me to park for a night...

Are there other types of campers I should look at that other than callen or six-pac that are lights and can fit an F-150? I feel like I should start a new thread just for that.

Thoughts and opinions appreciated!

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