When I was in the design phase I was determined to have a pass through no matter what, for reasons that I can't remember now but it might have been for our dog who has been gone a long time now.
The pass through was going to be complex, my camper has a lifting roof with hard sides that fall into the pass through space and making it well sealed against the elements was not going to be simple so it was delayed,......for ever.
During the construction we used the rig and after many years I saw that for me it wasn't going to be needed, from "I have to have one" to "I don't want one" came about.
There are pros and cons to everything you cram into a rig and eventually the things that are important to you will rise to the top, pick your battles! So a good pro-con list is needed:
Pro: - Stay out of the weather entering camper.
-Get into cab from camper without going outside. For whatever reasons.
-Can access toilet, kitchen, fridge etc while driving.(passenger only)
- Sense of security.
Con: -Complex-ish.
- Costly?
-Makes a hole in camper. This was a big one for me, that hole into the cab would be right where the bed is and our camper is well insulated with double glazed windows etc and a big hole into a single pane windowed cab that gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter made no sense, I know a plug can be used or an insulated door but in a tight camper where do you keep the plug and how much swing space does the door take?
-Crawl through gets old fast.
- Walk through is better, but, you need a big rig for that, I went to great effort to keep my rig small which is much harder than going big.
-Potential leaks.
-Lose a wall in a small camper.
-Both camper and cab structural strength compromised.
Well there is a start to the list, I'm sure others can add to it and as previously said the rig is yours and whatever YOU want to have is up to YOU but everything becomes a compromise in the end, you cant have everything!