Passage of Hope in Iceland


The 'Passage of Hope' is a road in Iceland that has been closed down by the Icelandic government this year. The road has been closed due to damage by vehicles and nature. No one has completed this road in the last few years.

I along with some friends have been invited to attempt to drive this road over the course of 5 days with the permission of the Icelandic Govt, This will be the last ever vehicular crossing attempt of this road.

We leave next wednesday 25th August and hopefully finish on the 31st August. We will sleep in tents at the roadside, we are carrying all our supplies with us.
In our party there are 2 x 110 Land Rover Defender TD5 trucks and one Land Rover Defender TD5 90. (9 people in total) There are at least 3 other vehicles attending, but I do not know what type they are yet, i will attempt to update on route. (cell signal permitting).

Hawk Thor

New member
Passage of Hope (Vonarskarð) is one of the routes that will be closed because of the Vatnajökul Natural Park. It seems like our ministers want to shut Icelanders out so the tourist companies can trailer tourists around.

Many places in Iceland have been trampled and damaged by tourist traffic, but its we, Icelandic wheelers and bikers that get to pay.

But thats not your fault, I would really like to see pictures from this ride and to read all about it.


4 of the vehicles that are going are owned and driven by Icelanders. We arive on the 25th If you PM me I will happilly give u my mobile number. Regards Julian
This will be my second trip across Iceland, I did another 5 day Interior excursion with the same people 2 years ago in late September.

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