Did a bit more work on the Tahukon. Mostly fixing problems. Replaced the cap and rotor. This helped with a rough idle problem it was having.
Got a ball for the hitch and made a dump run.
went to work on this
Previous owner had hot wired the fan to just blow on high. Also had soldered into the hvac control panel for some reason. But luckily he had a spare one that he gave me with the car.
I had to buy a new high low switch but also the pigtail to go with it which wasn't so cheap. Got all the wiring going to the right spots and....
the fan still blew only on high. So bought the blower motor resistor and that did the trick. PITA to install but now it seems like everything works except AC which is missing the lines.
Tried to swap out the fuel filter but I am afraid I am just going to break the lines putting wrenches to them. They are about $200 to replace them all so I might leave it for now until I can figure something out.
Texted the previous owner with some questions. He told me the fix to the non functional gas gauge was to hit the dash above the cluster. Who new. He said this was for fog lights that were no longer on the car.
Oh and the 4wd system is having some issues. Luckily those buttons don't do much anymore with the manual case. I need to work on getting the 4wd actuator to function now.
Oh and hand calced some mileage. 10.5mpgs around town and light towing. not so good. I wonder if my cold start issues have something to do with it. I replaced the coolant sensor for the ecu to see if that did anything but it doesn't seem to have helped. But overall its doing well and getting back in shape