Here are some updated photos of the truck out and about.
This is us just finishing up an easy run on the Cartecay River from Lower Cartecay Road to DNR! It was a blast! Needed a few more inches of water as it was a little too scrape scrape for me.
IMG_1655 by
pnorvell, on Flickr
IMG_1656 by
pnorvell, on Flickr
I'm playing around with the idea of a bedside mount for the spare tire. Right now it's just strapped to a bed rail but I really like it there. I had originally wanted to flush mount it in the front of the bed against the cab but it takes up almost all the rear window... My friend Aaron, being the creative type, is just going to help me make a mount for the spare that attaches to the bed rail, effectively giving me the ability to put it anywhere. I'll try and post some good photos of it once it's done as I think they would sell pretty well... Just saying.
It's hard to make out in any of the photos but this is best one
IMG_1648 by
pnorvell, on Flickr
Anyone have any input on Bedside mounts? I know I can get Quickfist's for just about any accessories as that is already the plan for that. But what about the tire? Anyone already done this?
I still have a few accessories waiting to go on. Almost everything on this truck is a "first" as I've been lucky enough to be selected to test a company's suspension and "test fit" some of their other items. I've been itching to get the other stuff on here! As soon as it is on the truck, it will be up here!