Phoenix area members: Slide shows Nov 1 & 2; Please come!


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Glad you guys are still coming - Jonathan is bummed but at least this way I can say things about him in the slide show and he won't know :ylsmoke:

I'm sending BajaTaco my cell phone number just in case. I'll be staying with a friend.



DesertRose said:
Jonathan is bummed but at least this way I can say things about him in the slide show and he won't know :ylsmoke:

AND at the brewery, we want to hear all of the dirt on him :D

Only a couple more hours and we're outta here...

Brian McVickers

Staff member
Don't forget to tell them about Jonathan juggling elephant poop!

Jonathan, you've got a bright future in the circus if you want it!
I never would have thought it could be done.
Or that someone would ever think to do it for that matter!!
:clapsmile :clapsmile :xxrotflma


mcvickoffroad said:
Don't forget to tell them about Jonathan juggling elephant poop!

Jonathan, you've got a bright future in the circus if you want it!
I never would have thought it could be done.
Or that someone would ever think to do it for that matter!!
:clapsmile :clapsmile :xxrotflma

Wow! That's pretty cool. How could one beat that? Maybe light it on fire and then juggle it?


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Thanks to all who came. . . and who came to my rescue!

Just a quick note to say thanks to all who took time to come hear the shows...really great to meet you and look forward to many adventures and more time around the campfire :campfire: and drinking more good stuff.

Also - thanks especially to Chris, Sharon, and Brittan (Baja Taco, Ms. Baja Taco, and brittan) for coming to my aid so quickly when I was hit on the way from the brewery in Tempe to the REI, after our fun get-together. It was great - my own Expedition Portal Cavalry!

The car is toast (about 2 feet shorter) and it's a good thing for the guy who rear-ended me that it was a rental car and not my truck or HE'D be toast - I don't take kindly to folks hurting my truck :ar15: ! Just a dumb kid demonstrating why young men pay higher insurance rates....

My neck is killing me and so i'm off to a hot bath and a double martini - best muscle relaxer in the world, and greatest general cure for most ailments - but wanted to just say thanks again and to leave you with this image....and to request, BajaTaco, that you NOT give Jonathan any more ideas such as flaming elephant poop juggling'll soon find out he's prone to making such ideas reality. . .



Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Glad to hear all is well... hope that neck feels better, and hey it's not the truck! I am sorry I wasn't able to make it your presentations, due to my work schedule, I am sure I missed out on a lot :exclaim: Phoenix, is definately a hard place to drive in and you can never let your gaurd down here!

Just a quick question why REI? REI is known to wholeheartedly support the Roadless Initiative and isn't that kind of the opposite of what we all want?

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor

Roseann and I, and several other members here, also wholeheartedly support the roadless rule (along with an overwhelming majority of Americans). Please go to the Expedition Portal home page and click on the Conservation section to read the op-ed piece I wrote on the subject. Then come back to the forums and look in the Conservation and Land Use section for a thread on the topic--you'll have to go back a couple months.

The roadless rule isn't about stealing access from 4x4 users; it's about preserving the last pristine areas of our national forests. I hope you'll at least see our side after reading up on it. We feel it's perfectly possible to have wilderness and motorized recreation areas in our country-- the two aren't mutually exclusive except to the fanatics on both sides.


Expedition Leader
Roseann, thank God you were not hurt bad. I always tense up and get headaches when I drive in Phoenix. That is one of the big things I don't miss about living there.

I agree with Jonathan on the roadless initiative side topic too.


Roseann, I hope that the soreness is fleeting and a minor nuisance. :( What a BUMMER!! Pretty impressive that you shook it off and went on with the show! It was fantastic to finally meet you in person and I wish Jonathan could have been there too. It was great to see Brittan again. And pretty cool to meet Andy - someone who I had seen in pics from your trip, although I wish I had been able to talk to him some more. We are going to pass your info/flyer along to some traveler/adventure friends that we know here.

The slideshow was great! Nice job on the animated map sequences. And you guys got some great photos!! I was lovin' every minute of it :D Best of luck to you with Whistling Thorn and your upcoming adventures ;) The conservation issues over there seem very complicated, so I imagine you will face some challenges for sure. One thing is for certain - you won't get bored! I'm glad to see that creative and resourceful people like you are going to be involved. I think creativity and rersourcefulness look to be very useful assets and much-needed talents for the tasks at hand. ;) And juggling flaming elephant dung might be good too!


Note to Scott:

I think when you get back, it would be a good idea to create a forum for "Completed Adventures/Events" so we have a place for events like this that do not qualify as "expeditions".


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
BajaTaco said:
Note to Scott:

I think when you get back, it would be a good idea to create a forum for "Completed Adventures/Events" so we have a place for events like this that do not qualify as "expeditions".

Agreed - although, I think driving around Phoenix for 2 days qualifies as an expedition: distance from home, difficulty in navigation, serious danger - yikes! ;)

Scott Brady

BajaTaco said:
Note to Scott:

I think when you get back, it would be a good idea to create a forum for "Completed Adventures/Events" so we have a place for events like this that do not qualify as "expeditions".

Ah, good idea!


Glad to hear you are ok. You guys have been idiot driver magnets recently... :(

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