You're right, not a great photo.. Starts with composition. I think I got wrapped up in this enormous visual landscape and was trying to capture it all instead of focusing on the object that got my attention (the car). Funny that you mention the concrete piling.. that JUMPED out at me seeing it online and I hadn't noticed it as much on my local computer.
In my opinion, this just isn't that great a photo. It's not visually interesting enough. Here's what you did well, and here's what I'd suggest for next time;
1. You captured the context of the setting. It's abandoned in the mountains.
2. You edited out the power lines. Thank goodness! They were really jarring to me.
Things I would have done differently:
1. Detail photos of the patina. I'd try to zoom way in, almost to macro level.
2. Shift perspective. I would have shot this lower to the ground.
3. I would have excluded the concrete plug. It seems out of historical context with the car.