I was waiting for that comment, I was kind of limited with the lens, images were taken with a 100MM Macro, not my first choice, but other lens gave up the ghost and that is all I had left in the bag. So, I decided to shoot anyhow insteads of going home. Thanks for the input.
Here is one more from Saturday, Same series of images, but I left the vehicle out and tried to frame it in thirds.
Sent from somewhere on Earth.
"Hopefully you do not think I am picking on you by any means. "
I read your input and threw my camera in the pond and cried for hours.....
And all I have is this to show for my efforts.
No, really, I appreciate the constructive criticism...and the pond shot was simply testing the housing on my wife's new camera in failing light.
Sent from somewhere on Earth.
I don't quite like it, but I'm not sure what I should have done different? Maybe frame it so the car is on the right side, not the left?