Picking up new camera today...


I would definitely recommend it. Only thing it is lacking is more lenses. And that will come in time. It is a great camera for having just used point and shooters before. We haven't even got into the finer details of the camera, as you can do a great deal of changing the settings. Even so, our pictures turn out better than our point and shoot every time, and the quality is much more consistent.

First week of June we are taking a one night class to learn some more about the functionality of the camera...and hopefully later this year we will take the multi-week course they offer, too.

I would definitely recommend this camera to anyone! The only thing I might add, is that for a little more, there is a D40X, that is 10 megapixels and has a few extra options, for i think about 150-200 more. If you have the money, may want to consider it as well.


Welcome to the world of Nikon Fat_Man!

I've been shooting Nikon for years and still use an N90 film body and of course my baby, a D70.

Since we already know you like online forums, for more great info on all things Nikon, check out Nikonians.org

I joined at the free level and get access to the forums, there are forums for specific models too, so you can get some great advice and ideas.

Enjoy and start posting!


articulate said:
So, Dave, any sample photos yet?

Here are some of my favorites that I personally like or I think show off the cameras ability the best.

1. Closeup of a flower (and it is a SMALL flower, about the size of a quarter) and the detail is quite good.
2. Landscape pic taken from the roadside.
3. My accidental "extreme closeup" shot of Reid that I think is actually pretty cool. Shows how it retains the detail of the face and blurs the background. I really like that effect.
4. The wife and kid outside at the reception for my sisters wedding. I think that save for some shadows, it almost looks professional.
5. Reid eating his first ice cream cone. Again, showing the focused foreground blurred background effect.

As an afterthought....Realized that there are 3 Dave's in this thread. Which reminds me of a thread I once meant to start, about how in our little community there seems to be a lot of repetition in names. Several Daves, Marks, Scotts, etc....

Of course...only ONE "KC"....:hehe:
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DaveInDenver said:
There's a word to describe that...

I KNEW there had to be. Describing it the 'long way' sure seemed like a lot more work than it needed to be.

I am pretty pleased with how well the 'stock' lens does, but I know that there is probably better results available.

The one constant no matter what the lens size is that I keep hearing how good the Nikkor lenses are. And that makes me :)

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
I just picked up my D40 as well. So far I'm pleased. Attached are a few photos with the stock 18-55mm AF-S, I also ordered a Nikkor 55-200mm AF-S with VR. It should be here in a day or two.
My parents, my cat, and a few others.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
If you can afford it get the VR lens, it's the same idea as Canon's IS. I was able to try out both the regular 55-200mm AF-S and the new lens with the vibration reduction (VR) system, boy did it make a world of difference, well worth the extra money.

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