I got my 2 yesterday, and finally got to unpack them today and open them up. I have to say, they were so small packed up, that I was wondering how they could possibly be a full size chair. I was waiting for emotional "woosh' as my expectations were high. First impressions were that the bag alone was very high quality. buckles and fasteners everywhere. you can bring a ton of stuff in the chair bag, while it's packed in it! Then when I opened it up, I was totally amazed out how big the chair ended up being, and very sturdy at that. the whole chair is amazing quality. And the chair is perfect high for camp table dining.
I started out with 2, but now I am totally comitted to getting two more to complete my set of 4, for my camp dining set. 2 thumbs up for this product!
How long are these chairs going to be on sale for Wendy?