black footlocker: tools, tarps, lanterns, hatchets, mallets, ect, spare pup tent
grey footlocker: blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, hammocks
green storm case: clean clothes
tan mtm "ammo crate" : toiletries, soap, TP, towels, wash cloths, toothbrushes, tooth paste mouthwash ect.
ice chest: drinks
[not pictured its behind the tan box]
black stanley toolbox: tools
left side storage compartment: funnel, wrench roll, the rover spare tire kit, misc oil, rags
right side storage compartment: chains, tow strap, hitches, jumper cables
il have to get a picture of the inside of the trailer loaded i dont have a recent one.
inside i have a chuck box(camp kitchen), an ice chest(for food), propane camp shower, 16 gal water tank, 120AH battery, lights, water pump, then a few small containers with stuff like cordage, gloves, shower stuff
front basket: fuel, propane, garden hose, tire chocking blocks, buckets.. with fishing gear inside.
top: fishing rods, campfire spit, chainsaw