Pictures of Expedition Motorcycles


Here is the bike I sold last year to pay help pay my bills as my business fell apart around me. Hardly seems worth it now, since it only paid for about two months worth because I "short saled" it. It had a hard seat and gave me a back ache after a half hour of riding, not that that kept me out of the saddle for hours on end.

Here is the bike I sold to get the SV1000. In hindsight, the SV650 was my favorite bike ever. Its torque curve is nearly plateau flat with instant power, but not overkill. Also, it was incredibly light. The maneuverability was awesome. The handling was near telepathic. I would love to get another, but my next bike will be more for touring. I am thinking a V-strom when I get back on my feet.

The blue bike was my friend Ken's. He crashed it going into a corner too timidly. Slipped on some gravel, panicked and went flying. This is one reason I want out of sport bike riding. Too many high speed crashes. Lost one of our group a couple years back going 120 over a ascending-descending corner. Two more friends crashed the year previously. They were fine, the bikes not so much. The only humor was that one of the bikes, a CBR1000 had a water sealed battery case and we could see the headlight underwater in the Mississippi river.

Edit: Speaking of the SV650, this guy had converted his into an enduro. I love the look of this bike and may try to emulate one day. The engine of the SV650 is superb. On that little thing I could out ride guys/poseurs on liter bikes. I imagine that this would be a pretty good expo-style dual sport set-up if a luggage rack were to be added.
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I'm scared to post this and even more scared to tell you what I think about it (its a freak'n blast!), but bought my wife this bad boy yesterday so she could join the kids and me on some adventures (I tried and tried to convince her that she needed a dirt bike, but with no luck). I'll add a six pack rack so she can carry gas for us (or beer for me) in Baja!! Looks like I'll have to redesign the motorcycle trailer...again.


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Here's my 98 Funduro. I haven't had a chance to ride it except up and down the road once. It is so freakin icy and snowy here that I drop it every time I try getting it out of the driveway. Every day I wake up and the temp is above freezing is a good day.



The Ruckus counts as an expedition bike. Every time I commute to work is a mini expedition.
Here is a picture of my KLR on my trip last Friday:

This was right after I crossed that creek and sunk the KLR to just below the turn signals. The air horn that I had installed two months ago got drowned, but I was able to get it working again a couple of days later.



The 950 isn't exactly the best bike for travelling on singletrack trails, but she does pretty good for a big 'ole girl. :bike_rider:


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