PINS trip


The sun came out after about of month of rain in South Texas so we decided to make an impromptu trip to PINS. Grabbed some clothes and food and Hooked up the expedition trailer on the old square body Blazer and hit the road. Last stop was fuel top off at the North Padre Island stripes. On down a short distance.F14A8181-A3A2-4FD4-99DF-B8AD30D4A4D5.jpeg

Another few miles later we showed our pass at the gate went over a short rise and there she was-nothing but glorious beach and sand. Oh wait we skipped the Malachite visitor center (good history an info there). Instead cruised on down a couple miles to visit the permanent port o can restroom on the right before the rise, SHE highly recommend this last stop. No more services past this point. DEE3ACB6-B6BD-42AC-9B91-CA36ECABF61F.jpeg It’s going to be quiet and we know there is no cell service except in patchy areas here and there on top of the dunes b

The beach is open and you can camp unimproved anywhere. But first 4 miles usually good for any vehicle and trailer.
At Almost 5 miles you will find this sign.

We were headed down at low tide so not much trouble for a while. Beach driving was hard packed up until about mile 20 when you hit little shell but it’s usually soft from little shell to big shell. My old school heavy Blazer and towing 2500 lbs did well. But aired down and made it easy to Roll through the soft stuff. The good weather seemed to bring more people out than normal at this time of year. In no rush, we observed the 25 mph limit (well mostly)and eased on down the beach to our usual camp few miles from end(around 57 mile. Don’t take my spot LOL). If you have see any YouTube video of driving there you know speed limits may be taken as a suggestion. HaHa

My story may ramble a bit.

Once past about 10 miles the camps you see and fishermen really spread out. I like to get 20 or so miles down beach and stop look both up and down beach and not see anyone. Nice. Should have mentioned once you get on sand it’s 60 miles to the end(port Mansfield jetties) and you have to travel 60 miles back up to get off beach. Plan accordingly. Fuel, water and supplies.

After an uneventful cruise down the beach made it to camp. Set up for a relaxing evening. 2BF15FB1-829F-49A1-BB2F-DD9FBAA7EEA4.jpegD1936F13-6605-489C-A5D7-1E0F13047CF8.jpeg
Going to end here. All this on phone is hurting my on good finger. I will resume tomorrow. Just wanted to share my favorite part of Texas. D1936F13-6605-489C-A5D7-1E0F13047CF8.jpeg2BF15FB1-829F-49A1-BB2F-DD9FBAA7EEA4.jpeg

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
We had planned to head down there next February but another trip got in the way. But I will hit PINS one day. Looking forward to your report to see what we will be missing.

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Always enjoyed Padre Island, this guy wasnt still stuck there was he? LOL Few years back, at about the 40 mile mark, 60 psi in his tires, stuck. I said you might need to air down. He said, cant, roll a tire off the rim with the weight. I told him, not likely my Suzuki on street tires is gonna pull you out but I'll give you a ride back to the oil field guys a half mile or so back. They had a float tired front end loader and a C note would probably be enough to talk them in to pulling you around to get you back. Dont have a hundred bucks, besides we are headed to the end of the island. Good luck I told him as I rolled the window up and drove off. Felt a little cold hearted leaving, but hell, thats what natural selection is all about.


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Always enjoyed Padre Island, this guy wasnt still stuck there was he? LOL Few years back, at about the 40 mile mark, 60 psi in his tires, stuck. I said you might need to air down. He said, cant, roll a tire off the rim with the weight. I told him, not likely my Suzuki on street tires is gonna pull you out but I'll give you a ride back to the oil field guys a half mile or so back. They had a float tired front end loader and a C note would probably be enough to talk them in to pulling you around to get you back. Dont have a hundred bucks, besides we are headed to the end of the island. Good luck I told him as I rolled the window up and drove off. Felt a little cold hearted leaving, but hell, thats what natural selection is all about.

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Take rig like that in soft sand and you deserve the consequences.

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Wiffleball Batter
I'll be there in a couple of weeks (Thanksgiving week.) We aren't camping on PINS though. We'll be at the nearby state park (Goose Island near Rockport) because we're more comfortable camping at a place that has hookups.

But we'll definitely spend a day at PINS, maybe even Thanksgiving day.

If anyone else is down there that week, look for a white Suburban with Colorado National Guard license plates.


Beach Bum
Always enjoyed Padre Island, this guy wasnt still stuck there was he? LOL Few years back, at about the 40 mile mark, 60 psi in his tires, stuck. I said you might need to air down. He said, cant, roll a tire off the rim with the weight. I told him, not likely my Suzuki on street tires is gonna pull you out but I'll give you a ride back to the oil field guys a half mile or so back. They had a float tired front end loader and a C note would probably be enough to talk them in to pulling you around to get you back. Dont have a hundred bucks, besides we are headed to the end of the island. Good luck I told him as I rolled the window up and drove off. Felt a little cold hearted leaving, but hell, thats what natural selection is all about.

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Im actually impressed that he made it that far down with that rig. He must have been cruising along the surfs edge to stay in the packed stuff dousing his truck and trailer with salt water for 40 miles lol.


Ace brown it’s a fun place for sure. Don’t like the crowds in Port Aransas beach’s and this is easy for us. Toss a few supplies in truck and 35-40 min later tires on sand and away from civilization. I will get this finished shortly.

Tex68w good deal. I will be there myself again. Try to leave Wednesday if I make back from job in Louisiana. Stay my same place wed thru Sunday. Will keep an eye out for you or stop by if you see me.

Perterra they aren’t to brite at all. Crazy they made it that far. What can you do for them but shake your head and roll on.

Martinjmpr goose island is close too me also. I haven’t been there since Hurricane last year. It’s in lamar just across bridge from rockport. It’s a nice park on aransas bay. Few things to do around there. Just around the corner from the park is the big tree. Oldest Live Oak tree in US at around 1,000 years old. Check it out. Also aransas wildlife refuge is a bit farther north. Not a lot there, but there is a wildlife viewing walkway. ( haven’t been there since Hurricane either) I will be on PINS from wed to sun. Do you plan to go all the way to the end? If you see me stop by. Ill keep an eye out for ya. Enjoy the trip.


Ace brown it’s a fun place for sure. Don’t like the crowds in Port Aransas beach’s and this is easy for us. Toss a few supplies in truck and 35-40 min later tires on sand and away from civilization. I will get this finished shortly.

Tex68w good deal. I will be there myself again. Try to leave Wednesday if I make back from job in Louisiana. Stay my same place wed thru Sunday. Will keep an eye out for you or stop by if you see me.

Perterra they aren’t to brite at all. Crazy they made it that far. What can you do for them but shake your head and roll on.

Martinjmpr goose island is close too me also. I haven’t been there since Hurricane last year. It’s in lamar just across bridge from rockport. It’s a nice park on aransas bay. Few things to do around there. Just around the corner from the park is the big tree. Oldest Live Oak tree in US at around 1,000 years old. Check it out. Also aransas wildlife refuge is a bit farther north. Not a lot there, but there is a wildlife viewing walkway. ( haven’t been there since Hurricane either) I will be on PINS from wed to sun. Do you plan to go all the way to the end? If you see me stop by. Ill keep an eye out for ya. Enjoy the trip.

There used to be an absolutely huge alligator that hung out at the Goose Island fish cleaning station.

Also if you decide to fish the Copano Bay fishing pier, if you go out from the north end heading south, I think it was at the 9th light, there is a oyster reef a hard cast to the north west (90º from the bridge direction) that used to be productive on trout at night.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Very cool looking area and I love the beach fun in Baja, would be cool to check it out in Texas.


Copano fishing pier, both sides, were shut down last year when a section collapsed. No plans to reopen it. Was always a popular place.

1leglance I have always seen pictures of the beach’s down there. Look remote and quite. Maybe someday I can checkout that direction.

Rest of story to follow. Just have to figure out the picture thing again. HaHa.
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OK. On with the story.

After getting camp setup and mixing a few drinks, we sat back and just enjoyed the quite and the view.


Later in afternoon hopped in truck and went for a little ride. First headed south to the end at the port Mansfield jetties. There were about 10 vehicles there and plenty of people on the jetties fishing. —Little history break— in the area around where the jetties are now there were 3 Spanish ships that ran aground after a storm in 1554. Kind of a crazy story, look it up. Short story is they were laden with treasure headed to Spain. They were off Cuba when they got into a storm that blew them all the way to grounding on the Texas coat. Every once in a while you hear a rumor of somebody finding a silver doubloon washed up or some other relics. Not supposed to keep them. Supposed to tell the park folk where it’s at so they can do their thing.


Then headed back north for about 8 miles to another ship wreck this one is the S.S. Nicaragua. The ship grounded just off the beach in a storm in 1912. The engine is about all that can be seen anymore. This wreck is at around 52 miles in.


After wandering around on beach for a bit it was back to camp for some more relaxing. As dark closed in we dug a fire pit and started a fire with some driftwood we pick up around camp. What a good way to end the day.


Next morning......what a view to wake up to Felt remarkably well after maybe a few to many adult beverages the night before. HaHa. Salt air makes me thirsty.


The nightlife left it’s marks around camp.


Had a bit of breakfast. After more relaxing we packed up. Picked up trash that had washed up and/or been left around camp by previous visitors.

There is trash along this beach some of it is obviously from Mexico, other places and boats around gulf and some is trash left by the visitors. It’s always annoying and sad too see broken chairs and awning frames just left where they broke. There are dumpsters where you get back onto pavement. Take your trash with you.

Anyhow. Time to head back to reality. Wrap a couple sausages in aluminum foil and put on intake. High tide was about 4 hours away so the beach gets narrower as the tide rises. It’s not terrible but some spots can get a bit skinny. It’s also softer, the higher up the beach you drive. The old truck chugged along no problem. Made a few stops one for snack, remember sausages? HaHa. Pretty much just dragging our feet getting back. We had a few scattered showers on the way north. Not even enough to wash any sand off. Little bit of a rainbow.


There is so much down there that could be commented on. Hard to pick and choose. So I tried to just keep it simple. If anyone has questions about the place- post up -if I can’t answer the others on here that go to PINS I’m sure can answer. We like our little slice of isolation and lucky it’s in our backyard. See you out there.



Copano fishing pier, both sides, were shut down last year when a section collapsed. No plans to reopen it. Was always a popular place.

1leglance I have always seen pictures of the beach’s down there. Look remote and quite. Maybe someday I can checkout that direction.

Rest of story to follow. Just have to figure out the picture thing again. HaHa.

Heck, I hate to hear they closed it.


Thanks, I enjoyed this.

The history is deep in the area. Memory fails me on the name the locals gave it, but there is a confederate blockade runner back behind the dunes at around the 40 mile mark. Well, the deck boards at least, rest is gone, was a steam side wheeler. Man, I wanna say the locals called it the Hattie or something like that. Named for the lady who found it. Been 20 years since I saw it with a surf fishing guide named Billy Sandifer.

There was also an old sailing vessel found high and dry 10 or so miles inland off San Antonio bay in the 1840's. Off Burgentine Creek, they think it rode in on a hurricane and was left high and dry. I think it was broken down to make part of the Dunn Ranch headquarters.

Those wrecks at the Mansfield Cut were legendary.

Again, thanks for taking the trouble to post this. I used to go down and fish PINS every fall.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
After seeing all this PINS is definitely on my list. Thanks for posting.

But in the meantime I will get my toes in the sands of Baja in late December.

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