Starting from the top...
The solenoid is not shown wired correctly, it should be on the positive post that the loads are connected to. Solenoids that have three posts, two large ones for the positive wires from each battery and a smaller one for the signal wire from your combining circuit (Ign, or Acc, Combine switch, etc), these ground through the body of the solenoid. Solenoids with two large posts and two small posts ground through one of the small posts, the positive and negative posts of the coil inside the solenoid.
The shunt shouldn't have positive running through it.. Ground from the battery should be connected to one side, ground from your load is connected to the other side. The shunt will have smaller connection terminals for the signal wire that will go to the trimetric. Some shunts read from a positive connection, some from a negative connection.
Your batteries are still not shown wired correctly, mostly because you are not showing any ground lead, other than the incorrectly diagrammed shunt.
This was just a quickie diagram, but should give you an idea.. The only thing I'm iffy about is which side of the shunt the chassis ground goes on. Do your research/follow the instructions included with the shunt.