PLUM TV piece from 2008 National Land Rover Rally


@ 4:42 it shows how not to use a Hi-Lift by going into the "No Go Zone". The bar could come back and whack him in the head. That is what I learned from the latest OJ.


I love the cameo by Revor! Nice work Keith. I guess that's fair as I used his truck on Fins n Things the day they filmed it.



Expedition Leader
Nice! I can't stand that I missed this event. I have been avoiding looking at the postings on it.

Keith, truck is looking good buddy!

Graham, Where's the B@#$ 110? How did that not make the video? I would have thought journalists would have been on you like white on rice?


I was in Oregon w/ Mr. Brady the week before and we drove straight to the event. So I showed up in the XV-JP! Connie drove out from Colorado the day that trail was run. The guys from Plum left that eve to go back to Telluride. They saw the B*itchin 110 in the brewery parking lot, but it was late . . .

All about logistics!



Seems my herd gets around!!! :smiley_drive:

I was off with Karen making sure her Td5 was performing to her liking that day.
It's good to see big red got some exersise!

Now that the Td5 is pretty much done the 110 starts to get the better part of the shop time, armor, diffs, lockers the interior. Gad that sounds like a lot of work!


excellent video.

all the trucks were awesome. I really like the lime green classic that was trailered in anyone know the specs on it!:coffeedrink:

Gore Ranger

I just bought front and rear rockware bumpers from Dan, the gentleman with the lime green RRC. I believe he said he had 5" lift springs from RTE, 2" body lift, 37" tires, SG 3 link, etc.


37" tires..... I bet he breaks stuff all the time. That's just way too much tire in my opinion. 32-35" is more than enough tire for almost any application without fear of breaking things to easily. Get over 35 and the carnage begins to both your truck, and your wallet.

Gore Ranger

I dont think it is an "expedition" rig. He trailers the truck to the trails. There are affrordable axles out there (Keith's) that will hold up to a 37" tire. To each his own: some guys like doing the harder trails.


Expedition Leader
Crookthumb said:
@ 4:42 it shows how not to use a Hi-Lift by going into the "No Go Zone". The bar could come back and whack him in the head. That is what I learned from the latest OJ.
Yeah, pretty cool video, except for that bit, especially right after the people saying how they are glad to be taught how to do things the right way.
I wish folks would edit things when there are gross mistakes like that. Or else mention it's the wrong way.

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