Hi, Neil:
See that susceptibilities are very light around here. That's the current tendency, I guess.
Anyway, I understand why you want to change the rocky clutch. I have removed the clutch assistance servo valve with which I got my truck, especially because it was not in the original design, it was really ugly, and the one who installed it must have been drunk when doing it. But now that I have to maneuver the truck in tight spaces I get cramps on my left leg working with the hydraulic clutch.
I do not think it is a great problem to install a servo valve like the one the Merkabah had, as you can see in the pictures. Yes... its is still ugly, but I am sure with your skills you will make it fit perfectly, and you would not see it under the Box. Servo valves like the one depicted are readily available elsewhere. Don't need to be quite special. The TGA system shown in your reference seems pretty complicated to me.
Enjoy the rides, trully, and say hello to Pat.