poly ar mags...


Expedition Leader
.... suck donkey balls.

i just found stress fractures in my Pmag lips after less than 6 cycles. had the same issues with thermolds.

im down to USGI as a recommendation. the surefire, arnt sure to fire, and i think one could process a dear with how sharp the lips were on the israeli ones. well, they eliminate the need for a k-bar i guess.


Hmm maybe user error? Pmags are good to go. Honestly I'd consider them probably the best option out there, besides usgi. And even then I would run the usgi with magpul followers.

Im sure if you sent them back Magpul would take care of you. Sometimes **** happens in the manuf. process.


Expedition Leader
just one pmag. i noticed it when pulled ir from the well and round popped out. it was likely cracked longer, and i didnt notice.

the 3 thermolds that cracked did so when i accidentally dropped one loaded onto a wood floor from 36", and it spewed rounds at my feet. the next two i did as a test to see if they were junk. more footsies with the 556, they are junk. all 4 are cracked at the weakest point, the rear cut that is there to clear the bolt. there is no bolt contact, i checked that, it was in an unmodified SWMP 300blk. they crack not at the seam, but off to the left a little. that makes it a stress fracture and a design error, not manufacturing error, most likely.

i dont have a single brand of AK mag that you couldnt build a house of. not the best system of attachment, but durability and reliability of the design is friggin flawless.

im going to epoxy the pmag. it looks to be a better resin than the thermold. those will just be half filled range mags now.

i bought a lancer to see how the poly/metal lip combo holds up.
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I love my pmags and have never seen an issue with them.

That being said...H&K high reliability mags are fantastic and I have those as the go-to options with PMAGs as back ups.


Kodiak Buckaroo
I've hear of problems with 1st generation P-mags over on Lightfighter. It seems to only be on the colored (non-black) mags. Somthing about the dye effecting them.
It is my understanding that MagPul will warranty them free of charge. You should give them a shout.
I've had no problems with my P-mags (all tan or OD), but they get little use. I mainly use USGI or ex-Israeli poly mags. I've had the Israeli poly mags crack lips, but heck they are very old and very abused. I picked up a boat load of those in Texas a long-long time ago at $1.50 each, so those are pretty much disposable IMO.
Best of luck

Dave Bennett

The newer (gen 2 and 3) Pmags are better, I'd call in that warranty on the bad mag. IMHO, Pmags are FAR superior to USGI, and Thermelts are junk. No experience with Lancer. YMMV.


just say no to pro-mag and thermolds. you shouldn't have a problem with your Pmags but i'm sure there are always a few bad apples in a bunch.

I've run M2 30rd pmags, 10rd m3 pmags, lancer mags, tango-down mags, USGI 30rd mags from various companies, and 20rd colt usgi mags. all have been just fine, only hang ups I have had are running 62gr penetrator ammo in the colt 20rd mags.

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