pop up camper advise pls


Well its been nine months of on-again/off-again research. My conclusion? I'm going with Hallmark and the Chuchera XL. Now, just need to find the truck so I can get cracking on the Camper (waiting to have the truck in the driveway before pulling the trigger on a camper...just in case I find that super sweet can't refuse deal, but it happens to be a short bed instead of a long bed. It would have to be a super, super sweet deal for me to buy a short bed, but it could happen I suppose). Thanks for everyone's help and I'll keep you posted.


New member
Pop up shells

Hi I have been doing research about pop up camper shells. From my understanding the only pop up camper shell with all four hard sides is Alaskan campers. Is there anyone else making hard side pop ups. I will be taking my vehicle to some cold places :smiley_drive:and I heard that the wind will go through vinyl. Any help in this matter would be appreciated.:bike_rider:


Expedition Leader
Wind no. Cold yes. There are ways to deal with depending on just how extreme the conditions are.


New member

My mistake. Any recommendations for insulation if using vinyal pop up. Is there anything you could put against the vinyl like a retrofit hard siding after the top has been lifted.


Imua, some mfr's sell Arctic Paks, or whatever name each mfr calls it. My Sporty was cold with the top up (no insulation), but the furnace made it very doable.

Anyway, picked up my vehicle tonight. Damn glad the hunt for the right truck is finally over.


Renaissance Redneck
Ummm... I thought you said NO dually? I live in BC and am currently bouncing off topes etc in Mexico so see similar conditions. Judging by how hard it is raining right now I could be under water manana...:snorkel: But, as far as campers go, I have owned cheaper pop-ups and have friends with FWCs and if it were my money, I would by a Hallmark too. I am pulling a Starcraft 14RT offroad pop-up on this trip as we have been gone 5 months with more to come. The three dogs wanted more room... I will be putting a slide-in camper on the truck on the way home and selling the trailer. 45' is a wee bit looooong in some places...:sombrero: I look forward to your review of the Cuchara. About 4 seconds after I win the lotto I will be ordering mine!

Feliz Navidad!


Expedition Leader
An external hard side? Never seen anyone try that. My FWC has the velcro already added so putting the arctic pack in would be very easy. Some make their own. For what I do I've needed it. The heater is more than adequate for what I do but I stay away from extreme cold.


Yes, the truck buying episode was brutal (self-imposed brutality). Searched the country for the right truck (price, mileage, options). I did a cost-benefit analysis of the various trucks to make Jeremy Bentham proud: short vs. long vs. single vs. dual. For us and our needs, they all worked out about equal. A short bed comes at the cost of a 1' loss of sleeping room for the kids (Hallmark Ute for a short bed), but a shorty could be a daily driver (allowing me to sell my little Corolla S that I use to drive to work every day -Yes, I'm that secure that I drive a little Corolla S....brick red.....or an old Bug convertible). A long bed would allow us to get the bigger camper and still get through relatively narrow spots. Not exactly a daily driver at 2' longer than our former Sportsmobile, but the longer wheel base eats up that dreaded Baja washboard better than a shorter wheel base. A dually costs more and comes with higher operating costs, but a dually is more stable when saddled with a big heavy camper. I did have a bit of a concern with the possibility of blowing a rear tire on Mex 1, with a heavy camper on back (in-laws had a rear blow out on their RV on Mex 1 and but for the fact it was a dually, it could have been pretty bad). Loss of off-road agility/maneuverability, added cost and no way it would work as a daily driver are some of the downsides to dually ownership. Since we tow a lot (boat, motorcycles, dune buggy or those damn horses and their damn hay), a dually is very well-suited for that application (which we do more of than the one annual or semi-annual Baja trip). So, with everything being pretty much equal, why this rig over the others? Well, it is the end of the week, end of the month, end of the year and the economy is by no means doing great. This one was sitting on a Chev dealer's lot for too long and it had to go. In a nutshell, I got this fully loaded LTZ dually for less than what many wanted for less-appointed short beds. Most importantly, its in the color I wanted (kidding, somewhat, but it matches our boat, so that's rather nice). The one thing I don't like about Chevs is they have that nose down ride to aid in handling and fuel economy. Thus, I've need to figure out if I want to level the rig out by bringing that front up a bit. Suspect I do. What I can't believe is just how quiet the Duramax is and the road handling is spectacular. Good thing I don't make a habit of going through fast food drive throughs because that's not going to happen with this beast.


Whoa, what happened!?!? I just bought a Bigfoot 2500 truck camper. Once the wife saw the interior of these behemoths, my hopes of getting a pop-up went out the window. I'll post pics and details on the Full Size sub forum later. Lemme just say 2.5 kw propane generator and 6 cu fridge. Okay, a couple of pics:




lost, but making time
Congratulations ! That is going to be a great combination ! Looking forward to reading your impressions of the camper.


Oil eater.

I've owned a 2000 8' Northstar popup from new and it's been flawless. I've driven it thirty-three times to Baja over the years but only on basic Baja service roads. It's nice pulling up to a site anywhere,leveling the truck out and five minutes later you're done. I have had to upgrade the suspension substantially to accomodate the camper as the stock Dodge suspension can't begin to handle the weight. Don't even know it's on there now though.


Oil eater.
Nice camper

Whoa, what happened!?!? I just bought a Bigfoot 2500 truck camper. Once the wife saw the interior of these behemoths, my hopes of getting a pop-up went out the window. I'll post pics and details on the Full Size sub forum later. Lemme just say 2.5 kw propane generator and 6 cu fridge. Okay, a couple of pics:


A dually w/the Bigfoot is going to be awesome! They sell inexpensive 1 1/2"-2" leveling kits that don't change your ride using a key deal for your torsion bars up front. A set of Bilstein 5100's would be an enormous improvement over the stockers. Be advised that ULSD is not readily available in Baja. Two-three tanks of LSD fuel will clog your soot filter. They plan to offer it everywhere down there,but change comes slowly in Mexico.


Thanks. I've researched the hell out of the lack of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel in Baja. Definitely none in BCS as of early Dec when we were there. Reportedly, its "available" as far south as GN, but I doubt it. However, I can not find a single instance where it caused a problem with the DPF. Obviously the DPF regens much more, but other than that, no credible issues/reports that I could find. However, if you know of an instance, I'm listening as its still a concern of mine. I'll be bringing a few fuel filters along as those seem to be a bit more sensitive than, say, my former 7.3 PSD. As far as a leveling kit, I'm going to spend the money and go with a Cognito leveling kit, Bilsteins, pitman arm support, larger/stronger tie rods and ends. About $1400 +/- shipped. Pricey, but better to pay for it now than trying to make repairs in Gonzaga Bay. Going with the largest TF mid-ship tank they sell. A fresh tank will get us two-thirds the way down Mex 1. I may carry another 20 gal in gerry cans if I fab mounts in time. Definitely going to be using some LSD as opposed to ULSD on this trip.


Expedition Leader
A bigfoot? Doesn't that thing weigh like over 5000 pounds? A land yacht for sure. Good luck with that offroad.

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