Here is my current setup. I will be modding both the 02 Dodge Cummins 2500 4x4 and the 08 Starcraft RT10. The RT10 will get a full exo cage as will the Dodge. I hope to start the project in the next couple months.

How do you like your awning on the Jumping Jack? I keep wanting to get one for mine, but never do. I usually end up using two tent poles and a tarp.
It works well, although the bungee cord in the frame pieces broke so I have to be sure to use all of them ... Really good in the rain - lets me keep the back window open without water getting in. It also makes the gate a bit of a porch. I am still thinking of getting another one for the front.
You been out lately?
I've got the tent open to clean and air it out and found an interesting thing ... I have the A/C in there and I looked out a couple of hours after starting it and found the tent all sucked in. Opening the door, it was like opening a can of coffee - woosh ... All the windows were fully closed so I guess that shows no major leaks.
You see that when using your A/C?
Here is one of my home built unit... sorry for the poser shot. I lost a lot of pics in a hardware crash