Wagoneer looks great!
Thank you!
Have you considered rejetting the carburetor? Or maybe it's time for a FOUR-OH-ONE! If anyone could find and build one in a few weeks, you could! I'm rooting for ya! Anyone can bolt stuff to a JK, but it takes some skill (and taste) to expo in a vintage FSJ (well, technically, all FSJs are considered vintage by now, but you get my drift).
Hahaha, no desire for a 401, my 360 runs strong, just not at altitude. I'll be rebuilding the spare one I have soon enough.
Also, no real desire to re-jet. The issue is that it runs perfectly down here, but runs like crap "up there" I regularly travel several thousand feet in either direction (for example on the death valley trip this year we went from 3000', to 5000', to -185', then up to 7500', then back again). It's tough to get a setup that'll run strong in ALL of those locations. Some carbs have altitude compensation....but short of EFI or swapping to a stock 2bbl motorcraft, there isnt much i can do that will be ideal in every situation.
And thanks, I know, it takes a special kind of crazy to pour ones heart and soul into an FSJ haha.
Wow, interesting statement. Maybe some of the tasteless JK folks have already been down the
unreliable, band-aid to get there, classic route? I have.
I respect all builds, even if not my exact taste.
I'm sorry if he rustled your jimmies...I figured he was just making familiar conversation with me because we know each other from JF too...I'm sure he meant no offense.... from your avatar/signature it looks like you have a very nice very built JK. Your super charger alone is probably worth more than my humble old unreliable jeep.
Just doin' what I can with what I've got....
Wagoneer does look good. Good luck with the elevation correction.
not a lot to correct, as mentioned above. runs great at 3000', pings at sea level, is gutless at 8000'
As they say it's all a matter of timing.....take a timing light w/ you! :coffeedrink: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.
I always carry a timing light on long trips, haha. Something like this was just a quick day trip, we only spent a few hours up there so I didnt feel like pulling over haha. It has definitely helped in the past, but there's only so much that cranking up or back the timing can do. If it's running rich, it's running rich. I can get rid of my pinging at sea level real easy, just dial back a few degrees, but i still lose a ton of power at elevation even when i crank it up.
Like I said, at 9000 feet it was purring like a kitten, just no oomph!
I've been known to hook up a timing light on the side of the road....and I get crap for it all the time from friends with fancy modern jeeps, haha