Got the lift and wheels on today! I think it looks WAY better. The 4" backspacing is absolutely perfect for the wheels. It pushes the tires out to the edges of the fender flares where they should be and even makes the stupid little P-metric 29" tires look better. The overall stance is infinitely better than the stock wheels.
My $95 "lift kit" gave me just over 2" in the front and just under 2" in the rear. My front hub to fender measurement is now 20-1/8". I'm sure the isos will flatten down a little and the coils may settle down some again, but I don't see losing any more than 1/4-1/2" after that happens so I have easily picked up 1.5" all around. It rides a little bit differently, but I wouldn't say its worse, just different. It is nice and level, no significant rake to the front or back. I am definitely a happy camper!