Hey all. I'm new here (and new to Jeep this year),been lurking a few days now,looks like a good forum (overall and the Jeep section as well

),already been inspired and learned lots. Anyways,here's my '98 XJ bought earlier this year. I want to built it into a multi-day adventure rig,but it will be slow (being a disabled Veteran comes with lots of "thank you's" and "atta boys",LOL,but the pay sucks,so I have a small and very slow budget

It seems to have been lovingly cared for before I got it (thankfully),and didn't seem to have had much offroad use in it's 202K (at the time of purchase) miles either. It's mostly bone stock for now,the only things I've done besides catching up on maintenance (complete servicing of all drivetrain,tune ups,brake service,etc,etc) has been going up 1 size (from 225/70 to 235/75-15's) tires,add a Curt hitch (just enough hitch to use a rack and haul 2 bicycles with) and this past week replaced 2/3 of it's non-working factory sound system (replaced the head unit and rear speakers...fronts coming in a week or so,LOL),and to respray some of the trim/rear bumper.
Plans are to build/add some storage bins in the hatch area,3" lift/some fender trimming and 32" tires when the 235's wear out,locked at both ends,winch and bumper,add an on board air compressor and look into the charging system for upgrades (dual batteries for powering fridge/etc) to start with. It will be a slow build,but hopefully I can learn from others and not make a bunch of (costly) rookie mistakes along the way.