Post Pic's of your Jeep


Trying out the Quadratec LED’s. So far, so good, huge improvement over the stock firefly-in-a-mason jar headlights. View attachment 645084

Could anyone explain to me the reason automobile headlights are not made to function on high beam with fog lights running? At least the ones I’ve owned.

I think that generally speaking it would be considered to be "too bright". Some jurisdictions have a limit of 4 lights being on at once. The headlights would be 2 and one of either high beams or the fog lights would be the other 2.

pith helmet

Well-known member
I think that generally speaking it would be considered to be "too bright". Some jurisdictions have a limit of 4 lights being on at once. The headlights would be 2 and one of either high beams or the fog lights would be the other 2.
Yeah, that makes sense. But on these dark country roads it would be so nice. The deer would appreciate not getting hit as much as we would like to not hit them.


Yeah, that makes sense. But on these dark country roads it would be so nice. The deer would appreciate not getting hit as much as we would like to not hit them.

I agree. I've just added a set of spot lights to my LJ. The driver's side is aimed straight down the right lane and the passenger's side to the right side ditch. I haven't wired them up yet but they will have independent switches, one for each light and separate from the headlight/fog light switch. That goes against what I said above and I'll just be careful how I use them; back roads and off road only.

21-02-17 7.JPG


Could anyone explain to me the reason automobile headlights are not made to function on high beam with fog lights running? At least the ones I’ve owned.

Fog is basically a low hanging cloud. The small airborne water particles in fog can act almost like mirrors in terms of their ability to reflect light. This means that when your headlights shine into fog, a majority of the light output produced by your lights will strike the airborne water droplets and will be reflected right back towards your vehicle. So the more light you point towards the fog, the more glare the fog will cast back at you, and the lower your resulting visibility will be.

Fog lights are designed to emit their light towards the ground instead of straight ahead. This helps to focus the light towards the road instead of into the fog. So instead of shining light straight ahead into the fog, your fog lights will focused light on the road directly ahead of you instead. That’s why fog lights have such a narrow beam pattern, so you’re avoiding as much of the fog as possible while still illuminating the area directly ahead.

I would guess that the vehicle engineers knowing this decided to make sure that you cannot use your high beams in weather that requires the use of fog lights.

autism family travels

Active member
I always laugh at these kits putting spot lights etc into your fog light holes. One, spots down that low is not good, and two using spotlights in fog is not good. You are 100 percent correct in your description Kootenay regarding the usage of lights. Fogs are low a wide to give you a view of the road in heavy fog (we live in one of the foggiest places in North America so I know) and driving and spots are for seeing down road on clear nights. Drive Slow in fog please as well and if it's really thick, pop on your hazard lights. Once I get our roof rack installed on Annie, I am installing a chase light system for fog/heavy snow/dust.


I always laugh at these kits putting spot lights etc into your fog light holes. One, spots down that low is not good, and two using spotlights in fog is not good. You are 100 percent correct in your description Kootenay regarding the usage of lights. Fogs are low a wide to give you a view of the road in heavy fog (we live in one of the foggiest places in North America so I know) and driving and spots are for seeing down road on clear nights. Drive Slow in fog please as well and if it's really thick, pop on your hazard lights. Once I get our roof rack installed on Annie, I am installing a chase light system for fog/heavy snow/dust.

We're fortunate in Southern Ontario in that we get far less fog and when it happens it's mostly late at night or early in the morning. Early morning daytime fog burns off pretty quickly. I can't say that the fog lights on any of my Jeeps have ever helped more than adjusting my driving ... slow down as you say!

pith helmet

Well-known member
View attachment 645166

Airing on the side of caution for the road ahead

View attachment 645167

Storming the Castle

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A natural landmark used over the ages by many including Indigenous, RCMP and settlers

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Open top freedom

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Marietta in her element

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Discover your own backyard

View attachment 645172

When the pavement ends the real fun begins

View attachment 645170

En Route

View attachment 645171

The golden hour is eminent
cool how the snow on the butte accentuate the angle of the erosion.
Loyalsock State Forest, PA

Snow camped at a former CCC camp that still had the fireplace standing from 1930's. The camp was abandoned in 1941.

Then drove up a small mountain for several miles to check out the remains of ghost town that was a former coal mining community called McIntyre. Town was built in 1870 by a relative of Mark Twain. Discoverd the towns cemetery which contained mostly buried children. Later was told that locals have heard children laughing when visiting the area.

Nearby was Band Rock Vista that overlooked the Loyalsock Creek Valley. The town would watch bands play music on the rock outcroppings where my TJ is parked.

A fun but hard ride that had forced us to do several snatch strap recoveries, two that required the winch.

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