Post pictures of your Land Rover.


Thanks. I have a Int'l 2.8L TGV re-power, OMEs, ARB w/Warn 6K. Had Verdones redo the interior (marine vinyl).

I think underbody armor might be next on the list. Really looking to get around the AZ Rover crew and see what some of the recomendations are.

The clear windows are a bit of a pain as you know in the summer, but since it is the original tint, I have to move it up on the list to get replaced.

How you like the 2.8L? Man, I would have loved to have gotten one of those instead of the 300Tdi, but the cost was a little much. Probably ended up spending the same for the 300Tdi once I started getting all the parts to install it.


New member
My tractor... Mountains Rivers Sands etc




Expedition Leader
My tractor... Mountains Rivers Sands etc

One of the things I love about Expedition Portal is hearing from folks in other counties....and seeing photos from where they are, no less seeing their stuff. Makes me very happy. Thank you.....where is this area in relation to all of Russia which I know very little about!:victory:

Thank you so much for posting!!!!:smiley_drive:

Chazz Layne


If you haven't tried them you should get some Silblade's.

I have had my set since 2006 and they are just now starting to streak and I didn't treat the blades or my windshield with anything.

I will second that advice for anyone else reading, fantastic blades from which I've had similar performance.

I have streaks because I haven't had a washer fluid reservoir for the last 6 months. I pulled it out to trim the bumper, not realizing I had the secondary air system blocking the only other place to put it. I still haven't gotten around to figuring out a work-around yet... :(


Expedition Leader
I will second that advice for anyone else reading, fantastic blades from which I've had similar performance.

I have streaks because I haven't had a washer fluid reservoir for the last 6 months. I pulled it out to trim the bumper, not realizing I had the secondary air system blocking the only other place to put it. I still haven't gotten around to figuring out a work-around yet... :(

It's not the only other place. Nice to meet you and your wife at the open house.


Chazz Layne

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Expedition Leader
Indeed it was. Winter is just around the corner, we should put a Hualapai trip together when we get some snow on the ground. :D

That's what I get for reading your build thread backwards (I've only made it to page 36 so far). Good idea, but... how do you fill it?

A snow run sounds good!

I fill it by putting it on the ground and pouring in the fluid.. the lines have plenty of slack to allow this.


New member
How you like the 2.8L? Man, I would have loved to have gotten one of those instead of the 300Tdi, but the cost was a little much. Probably ended up spending the same for the 300Tdi once I started getting all the parts to install it.

I won't lie, it wasn't the cheapest way to do it, but I love how it sounds and drives. I'm single and was deployed at the time, so I was able to stash away a chunk of change.

The plus was it was a brand new engine and it allows me to keep my automatic (I drive manuals like a sports car :smiley_drive:). I had the transmission rebuilt and the transfer case re-geared for the bigger tires. bigger after-market radiator added as well. I'll get off my butt and get the pics of the interior posted. I was really impressed how it turned out (funded by my second deployment).

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