that was the home about the rumors to be his but was not someone else owns it
pretty slick house though got to shoot a lot of homes like that

pretty fun to see how the other half lives
funny when that rumor started a bunch of people who knew I shot those told me about it

kinda funny really
hope this rambling gets ya thinking a bit

looking at the list in quick #4 and #5 I can help with more than the first 3
#3 I want to do as I say later

some time lapse stuff when we go camping and get into some aerial stuff with multi rotor so always learning more myself

but the night time lapse seems like a fun personal thing I want to do
on the others a few links
check this out
the live ones are free and might give ya some help on some things
dont know what the Jared platt thing is ? but might be interesting to watch
they have video stuff come up sometime though
the photo and video tips area has some good stuff also especially for the lighting #4
great lighting videos to watch you can learn a lot about modifiers and how they word dif and effect things from this channel ! and of course technique on subjects
also good about #4 since triggering flash is important in light
I have pocket wizard multi max I never use anymore

instead I use phottix triggers these days
good over all forum for lighting mix of new stuff and gear and lots of things
#1 I did in film study classes and I want to learn more so I would say that might be best to a video guy

I really am a photographer and being a GOOD video person is just a tough talent
#2 high key is all about the subject and light

something I can do but dont do ? but subject and light are the things that make it high key

I might say again not my area of specialty but trial and error for sure learning and not that hard to do IMHO might say just find and practice tutorials on that one
#3 night scenes such as nature stuff ? I used to do some of this and want to learn more about doing time lapse stuff with it have to dig up a couple forums I found pretty good and some of the folks do a lot of frame stacking something to look up and for sure good tripod lots of time and putting together multiple elements so you would shoot for the sky shoot for the foreground then any other parts and bring those and blend them together in PS kinda thing
#4 for people

its get the light off the camera and use modifiers to control or change the light soften it or give it more edge or just control the spill of the light
this is something I know about so depending on specifics ?
#5 IMHO LR is the tool over bridge big time cause it makes bridge and ACR seamless and gives you a really nice DAM (Digital Asset Management) capability on top of it
I do think many try to bypass PS and do to much in LR though ? while you can do a ton some things are best in PS still
so learning the two together is really the key to tweaking images but getting the pop and color out of LR again like PS I say learn the basics of it before you learn to many actions and just applying actions to images is not really learning it and that is why not sure what the seminar above is going to be about ?
me I do a ton of work for pros CC (color Correcting) there work etc.. and with #4 lighting the nice thing is you can control that and not have to go into PS as much
depending on how you work in Bridge and you can get in and find images and stuff I dont always think one needs to learn LR over bridge and ACR UNLESS you feel there are holes where you are struggling then if that can fill in the holes start the learning process to change
a good example of this could be lighting I dont claim to be the best

I know what I like and the style I like which is more natural when I can be but also like some more dramatic
but I have some large plug in studio stuff from Photogenic also have quite a few speedlights including some old vivitar 285 I still use so I think I have about 6 speedlights I use and I also have two new Cheetah lights

very cool 300 WS of power battery operated bare bulb

very excited about these
and like cameras I use FF and M4/3 gear and each has its pros and cons
I have very strong opinions on things

but also know I have seen some insane good movies I love to watch come off a go pro over something shot like garbage on a RED camera

so I do tend to think technique and content win out over gear but gear in the right hands can help and sometimes gear choices are based on the best ! like a go pro you would not want to strap a red outside your rig and go 4x4 with it

but I would not want to shoot the next hobbit movie with a go pro
could be fun to get on the phone some day over LR stuff if ya ever want
this has kinda changed on me some over time but its what I use for LR I dont use the mouse unless I am dodging burning doing masking or gradients or touching up spots
most everything is done with this because its so much quicker
I am a old film guy so I believe LR is the wet side and developing the negative and PS is the dry side and doing the print and if I want to cook the image up more I often do that in PS
but getting back sky and things is all LR for some shots of course I might develop 3 versions or so and blend them in PS later on like homes shooting interior then exterior windows and then the lighting etc. try to get it in camera but sometimes ya just cant