Post up your drawer/storage system



I like the attic idea, i have seen it a few times now. Do you have any up close pics of how it is attached?


X2, This is something I've been thinking about lately too.
Sure thing! If you need any better pics. just let me know.

For the back, 2 turnbuckles and 2 carabiners connected to the back of the seat.

For the front I attached an anchor point on each side screwed into the sheet metal behind the plastic and an adjustable strap. Had a little left over..

The pelican case to the rack. I added some foam between the two so it would be a little more secure. I also added 2 footman's loops to the sides and connected a strap underneath the rack itself.


And a better day time picture of the back with a few things moved around.


Anytime! I don't have any available right now, but mounting is pretty simple. The front is secured/lowered by the 2 buckles you can see on either side of the green pouch. The sides are simply tied to the cargo hooks on the ceiling and the bungees connect to the back of the rack to prevent it from swing around too much. I can try and get some later today or this weekend.


So the attic is basically suspended in place? Interesting, I wouldn't have considered that. I think I'd be a little worried it would punch out a window.


Yeah, I guess you could say that. There really isn't much side to side movement. The buckles in the front do a pretty good job of securing everything in place. That and the 550 cord on the sides is short enough to where there isn't much room for movement.


New member
My 2011 Jeep Wrangler 4 door Storage

What an awesome forum...Thanks to everyone here for all the great reading material, sharing their knowledge and experiences...I'm a
1st time poster here and my ultimate goal is to have an all around go anywhere, camp anywhere, explore anywhere Jeep...

I built this storage area for gear as well as a platform for sleeping and is still a work in progress...when the rear seating is folded down
and front seats are all the way forward I will be able to install the pieces that extend the storage box and make for a sleeping platform
over the rear seating...and when not in use they can be stored under the storage box...I have a mattress from a foldout couch (3" thick)
, cut to shape in 3 piece sections for sleeping. It is just bare foam now til I find the right material to cover it with...picked up a 12v ceramic
heater/fan from a local truck stop, but haven't tested it yet so not sure if it will fit me needs...The removable top panels are held in by
magnets and can be locked but are there for the purpose of accessing the drawers without extending the drawer itself...There is also 2 side
cubbies and center storage areas that can be accessed when rear seat is folded down.


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97 T4R drawer and kitchen design

Have been designing a storage drawer system for my T4R for a couple of months now and this is what I have come up with. Kitchen is good size as it seems I am always the cook for whichever group I wheel with. The drawers and the kitchen are the same size so if you are just going for a quick run you can take out the kitchen and put another drawer in its place. As you can see there is a large table under the drawers and built into the drawer carcass. This is removeable and has 3/4" threaded gas pipe legs that will screw into plate mounts that are reccessed into the table top. The kitchen also has the same threaded gas pipe legs with reccessed plate mounts in the bottom of the kitchen box. The kitchen will have running water via a 12v sub. pump in a 5gal can with a faucet. I will also be adding to the front of the storage drawer carcass to create the sleeping platform as I will be living out of the truck for four months of the year now for work until I get a trailer setup.




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