thanks for the input Martin and Rayra, dont worry yall didnt scare me off, just been hella busy at work trying to pay off the tires and leveling kit and saving up for a new pistol.
Oh and yall are right! My brothers back when out today so i converted the burb to a make shift ambulance, it got the job done but it became painfully apparent...
theres no ********** way im gonna be able to write on a table while sitting comfortably. Fortunately, the guys ive run into at work all seem to have a similar set up for their pick-ups, utilize the drivers seat comfort (although the rear captains chairs are plenty nice in my suburban
and create a workstation/writing surface from the console and keep your files on passenger seat. However, I think I can do better so its back to the drawing board as they say,
thanks again for the advice and Ill be back on here after i design something that might actually fit the vehicle haha