As our departure time quickly approaches I seem to be spending many late nights getting stuff finished.. Got tired of trying to find storage solutions to maximise the roof rack space so I had my buddy who did my aux gas tank make me a custom tool box for on top of the rack...48 36 inches square and about 17 inches it back today and I am very happy...wanted to make sure it was sturdy enough to stand on so me and my buddy stood on top of it and no problems at all...450lbs should be fine.. this box is just for the recovery equipment and some spares..trying not to keep too much heavy stuff up there..

will put sealing strip on the top lip and then my hinges and latches...should be almost waterproof.. I think I may house the Webasto heater system I just bought up there with its own battery and fuel tank (in its own self contained partition)...that way I can heat the roof top tent or duct to the inside of the vehicle... I didn't go full width as I wanted to be able to have a spot to place long items down the sides..and I also don't want it catching on trees etc on the trails and bending the box..I did intentionally make it higher than the fuel and water cans on the back so as to "protect" them..
Being that I am a light whore for the outside of the truck I needed more switches for my exterior lights, so I found a company in england that had what very closely resembles the original switches and then I very carefully cut new holes and replaced the old and added more...7 in total now..

so along the top I have...inner lights..outer lights...front brush bar lights...infra-red lights...yes, thats right...infra red lights...I bought some a while ago to put on a military 101 land rover I was doing but I never used them...thought they might be neat so I bought a step up transformer (they run on 24volts..) and installed them under the rack mounted lights.. not sure if they are worth a toss but might be fun anyway..

and then the three underneath will control..left side flood light...rear led flood lights...and right side flood light..That should take care of the light show..LOL..