Prepping a camel trophy defender 110 for around the world...

The Rover Shop

Its like my mentor once said to me... I taught you everything you know...not everything I know........
I haven't mentioned EVERYTHING done to it..LOL...and It's like aka rover said ...I did go to the firing range and got my sights lined up perfectly now...You manage to get past all of those things you can have'll have worked hard enough to deserve it... Good news is I did buy some of those trauma clotting bandages and they will be located somewhere in the back of the truck...just shove em in the holes as you drive off...should stop the bleeding....hopefully...LOL..

The Rover Shop

Loved the read so far! Keep it up!!

Great welder idea as well! Just one question, did you think about your pulley ratio? The reason I ask is the Alternator on the motor has a pulley that makes it spin much more in one full belt rotation when compared to the water pump as it has a much bigger pulley; as such you have this welder pulley the same size as the water pump pulley... Do you have an ideal RPM to reach while the motor is an idle??

I hope I made some sense here haha

A little while ago I installed a hand adjustable throttle for this welding system, as you turn it out it very slowly increases your throtle position.....This can also double as an aid in getting my vehicle unstuck when on my own as I can let the clutch out and take the revs up and while the wheels are spinning be outside of the truck winching or shoving rocks under the wheels etc....naturally you only do this in low range where the maximum speed once unstuck is going to me no more than a brisk walking pace...yeah yeah...I know yo have to be really careful not to get runned under etc...

The Rover Shop

Had the missus paint the overhead console...we decided on grey to keep the interior bright and to match the original headliner..I will be putting velcro material up there as well as a piece of steel for magnetic lights or whatever to adhere to as well as velcro stuff..and then a piece of material covers it to stop prying eyes...

aka rover

That console turned out great!!

I will most likely copy this for my build, You are going to have a awsome Rover when you are done. Your build is an insperation to keep me going on mine.

The Rover Shop

As our departure time quickly approaches I seem to be spending many late nights getting stuff finished.. Got tired of trying to find storage solutions to maximise the roof rack space so I had my buddy who did my aux gas tank make me a custom tool box for on top of the rack...48 36 inches square and about 17 inches it back today and I am very happy...wanted to make sure it was sturdy enough to stand on so me and my buddy stood on top of it and no problems at all...450lbs should be fine.. this box is just for the recovery equipment and some spares..trying not to keep too much heavy stuff up there..
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will put sealing strip on the top lip and then my hinges and latches...should be almost waterproof.. I think I may house the Webasto heater system I just bought up there with its own battery and fuel tank (in its own self contained partition)...that way I can heat the roof top tent or duct to the inside of the vehicle... I didn't go full width as I wanted to be able to have a spot to place long items down the sides..and I also don't want it catching on trees etc on the trails and bending the box..I did intentionally make it higher than the fuel and water cans on the back so as to "protect" them..
Being that I am a light whore for the outside of the truck I needed more switches for my exterior lights, so I found a company in england that had what very closely resembles the original switches and then I very carefully cut new holes and replaced the old and added more...7 in total now..
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so along the top I have...inner lights..outer lights...front brush bar lights...infra-red lights...yes, thats right...infra red lights...I bought some a while ago to put on a military 101 land rover I was doing but I never used them...thought they might be neat so I bought a step up transformer (they run on 24volts..) and installed them under the rack mounted lights.. not sure if they are worth a toss but might be fun anyway..
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and then the three underneath will control..left side flood light...rear led flood lights...and right side flood light..That should take care of the light show..LOL..

The Rover Shop

So now I moved onto finishing off the dash and guage wiring..I added an Exhaust Gas Temp guage to keep on eye on the turbo temps, I installed a Auto Meter pyrometer probe as near as I was game to the turbo outlet..
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and installed the guage in the last remaining spot..
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So now I have form left to right...EGT, oil pressure, amps.. and then in the dash I have fuel, temp and volts..I have used mechanical guages just because I think they are a bit more reliable and less susceptible to low battery voltages to the guage pod I have the obligatory inclinometer...or the "oh ****...oh ****.." guage..
all are lit nicely of a night time even the inclinometer..

The Rover Shop

Just saw an article on a discovery 2 that had the unimog portal axle setups under it... Now that is something I would love to do after ripping my rear axle out last year.. May be better than going the whole route of upgrading to 24 axle with arb lockers etc etc... Hmmmm.. Emails sent for pricing..

The Rover Shop

As the time for our departure rapidly approaches we start to get into full bore finish this **** off mode...pulled the truck out the other day and installed the rack and all accessories to make sure the layout is fine...installed the hi-lift, the axe the roof rack additional support arms, the ARB awning and proceeded to make sure everything is solidly mounted...
made a slider tray for my 180 watt solar panel to fit in a spare space under the roof rack...its about 5 feet by 3 feet so should be plenty enough to completely charge and run everything, it just slides in so in theory I should be able to slide it out 2/3 of the way and it be self supporting and give plenty of charge or alternatively I can pull it all the way out and place it wherever to maximise sun exposure..just made an aluminium tray slightly wider than the solar panel and it will be pivoted at one end and drops down on the other for easy access..
Not as much gap between th roof and the roof rack as I initially thought so I have a little bit or reworking to do...

The Rover Shop

Well time to see if my over-engineered light bar functions as should and I am quite happy with it..
This allows the roof top tent to come out the front over the hood.and the ladder attatches to the front brush bar..
Decided not to go with the infra red lights as they are old hat...looking into the thermal imaging systems..:smiley_drive:

Bought a propane tank holder a while ago and realised that my propane tank won't fit...holder tank =13lb..= no fitty..
I have been unable to locate a 10lb cylinder so I modified the holder to allow it to take either size...just formed an additional hook and welded it in place...

The Rover Shop

Mounted the sand ladders...all 4 fit onto the holders quite nicely..
mounted the full length ARB awning..
added my newly obtained safety decals...
axe tucks up nicely in there.. the slot I cut out in the holder is to allow the handle to sit in the recess so it doesnt damage the handle at the crucial head the moment the axe blade has the plastic head/blade protector on it but I know how things some point in time I know I will lose that and then the axe sits much further down in the holder so I notched it further to allow for the day..LOL..being a plastic axe handle I just drilled a hole through the other non crucial end and its bolted to the rack for security as well..
the strap under the axe is for the camel installed pick handle...waiting on some new straps to come to finish that installation..

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