okay...no for the next major.."save my *** when i break something in the middle of nowhere mod...".. wanted a way so that I could mount a on-board welding system but I dont want it permanent..that way should I need it I can install it in about 10-15 mins (lets face it...if I need it I gots nothing but time on my hands as i ain't going anywhere in a hurry)...so I took an old pulley from one of the old series engines I have laying around and cut the face of it off...the pulley being conical the lower you cut down the bigger the hole..and I slipped it over the water pump pulley and welded it on..I forgot to take a pic after I cut the face off and sat it on there..
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Not the best of welds but I was getting tired...and I still have to clean them up later..
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cleaned up and painted and installed it looks something like this..
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Made a very rudimentary mounting system for the alternator install...the two support brackets allow it to move away from the pulley thereby tightening the belt...will just use a ratchet strap to supply the pulling of the alternator as nec..will be making a better support braket as it needs to come forward about an ich to line up with the pulley...once again it doesn't need to be perfectly aligned as it will only be used temporarily and at about 1500 rpm at the most..
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So the whole setup looks something like this..
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The beauty of this system also is that should I have a failure of my engine alternator I can mount this one and either charge the batteries and then continue or leave it mounted and drive on...so I am carrying a spare alternator as well..to utilise this I simply slip the belt over the fan and right onto the vacant pulley and onto the welder alternator....tension it up and away we weld...