I love designing and fabricating stuff but I get bored with the final bits and pieces of it... I finally made myself finish off the rear winch bumper, the winch rope exits the fair lead on an angle, this was done to increase departure angle and also so that we weren't bumping into the winch rope any time we are getting in and out of the back cab.. I designed this as wide as I could so that I had extra storage inside it, and specifically to keep a spare oil change, 7 quarts fits in the perfectly and doesn't move around..and doesn't interfere with the winch, to access the inside of the bumper it's just a matter of removing the 8 bolts, some may notice that I have no way of accessing the winch freewheel clutch, this is something that I haven't done as I am trying to keep the rear winch compartment as sealed as possible, also it prevent people form releasing the expensive dyneema rope and stealing it or playing silly buggers with it..look up winch vandalism..

... If I need to change that in the future its pretty easy but until then I just power it out..

I used one of those solid state winch control packs and hid it inside the winch box, I will be installing a wireless unit in the soon as well..
The winch control socket tucks nicely up out of the way and you wouldn't even know it was there...
My winch control cable is 20+ feet long so easily goes the long way around the truck and into the cab, with extra to spare..and is the same for the front or rear winches, that is the reason I will be installing a wireless remote for the rear one, if ever I need to be using the front and rear winches at the same time.... (Don't ask..)..lol..
Just to make sure that there is no chance of the winch power cable being compromised in an accident at anything I installed a 800 amp isolator switch, which is usually left in the off position, this also stops the unauthorized use of it..or an emergency override in case of the winch sticking on..
As soon as I am done installing everything it goes off to my trim shop have all the grey wood surfaces covered in sound deadening carpeting material and cover my roughins. As with the complete rear storage wall sections, once we have tweaked it on the road and ensure everything is modified to the way we like it I will be pulling the whole truck apart and make everything neat and tidy out of starboard or similar, that job will be neat and tidy then..

.. Or I will have a pro do it...I'm no finish carpenter by any means..

In that pic of the isolator switch you can also see the remote controlled 1200 watt power invertor I installed, this system allows you to install the invertor close to the battery but mount the outlet up to 10 feet away, it also has a remote button on it that switches the invertor on as well as a USB charging port.. The large yellow connector is the Anderson connector for my jumper cables, these cables are over 25 feet long and allow me to reach any point around the vehicle.. And the circuit breakers are for the main power supplies to the rear cab portion and the overhead console.. When leaving the vehicle for extended periods it allows me to isolate the electrics, also makes a great antitheft obstacle. just push the button and it trips the breaker.