Prepping a defender 130 for around the world..

The Rover Shop

I wanted to be able to cook in different locations on the truck without having to move everything around, ( and when I say "I" I actually mean my wife...).. so from the propane cylinder after the regulator I installed an electrical shut off solenoid, ( after the regulator so it is only shutting off the 20psi instead of the much higher pre-regulated pressure) this way when we are setup camp we don't have to keep turning the valve off, at the click of a switch it turns the gas on, but when travelling the screw valve is shut off.. I also teed out so that you can cook over in the pantry side or on the back tailgate, or both at the same time... Our camp stove runs on 20psi so now everything that used to run on a lower pressure works REALLY everything is setup on quick disconnect connectors for ease of mobility and packing up..


The Rover Shop

We like to cook a lot and like to cook on the grill or fire..when we were in Anzo Berrago.?. A while ago they had a zero ground fire policy as they didn't want the ground scorched, and at numerous events we have been to they have had a zero fire policy also, I recently came across an advertisement for the volcano triple fuel do all grill, after a bit of research we bit the bullet and bought one, this way we can have a self contained ground fire with wood, charcoal, or even propane, it also allows you to cook faster with Dutch ovens and also allows baking of goods.. We tried out out with a nice rack of lamb last night and holy shamoley it works well...
Do yourself a favour and look into the volcano grill...



Wifey did roasted butternut squash and roasted potatoes as well on the's no wonder I keep putting on weight..:)


And just for the record, we like our lamb as rare as possible without it still bleeding, my wife has her own concoction of spices and marinade on the lamb and we sear the flavour in over a high heat first of all, this was an excellent cut of land with plenty of fat on it and that fat and the rub carmelise and burn on the outside, so no, they are not burned or well can bet they were really tasty...


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The Rover Shop

Finished off the extreme-aire onboard air system, hose can be plugged into right at the compressor or at the reservoir, the reservoir gives you enough air to be able to use an impact gun or whatever you need, nice to inflate Tyres quickly as the compressor is charging the air tank as you go from one wheel to the next..shutoff valves dictate where you want air to...



The Rover Shop

With the back section of the truck having been painted I could install our decals...


Had them done in then3m reflective material, so of a nighttime they really stand out..


Deleted member 9101

Love the graphics. I did something similar on my motorcycle, it makes a big difference in visibility.

The Rover Shop

So my setup for the webasto diesel fire in-cabin heater has always made me a bit cautious of something blocking the intake grate on the heater, found this bit of perforated steel in the garage so I turned it into an intake shield, this should stop the intake getting blocked..
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The Rover Shop

Tested out my shower system.. I left the hose long enough so that it can reach the front or rear of the truck or even into our portable privy tent if you are in a public area... I'm yet to label the hoses but one is inlet/suction...this allows me to draw from an alternative water source, like a bucket, or a stream etc and I can either run the shower system on that water or I can place the shower hose into my water tank and fill my water tank like that...I can also connect a household garden hose to it and have as many hot showers as I like...the other connectors are hot and cold outlets, the cold comes straight from the pump and the hot runs through the heat exchanger on the engine, depending on the temp of the engine you can adjust the temp of the water, I may have to get creative and make a hot/cold mixing system as it easily gets too hot..or put a valve on the coolant inlet into the heat exchanger, if I slow the flow into the heat exchanger the water doesn't get so hot as it passes through it. In the pic it doesn't appear to be a lot of flow in the shower but I am using one of those water saver shower heads, and it supplies plenty of coverage for an effective shower..



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The Rover Shop

Fabbed up my auxiliary fuel tank dump valve and water separator, this unit sits tucked up into the frame cavity out of harms way, hose comes out of the tank into the electric solenoid valve and flows through the water separator and gravity feeds into the main tank, it is operated from a switch on the dash unlike my last truck that had a manual valve.... This way I can only dump a little bit of fuel into the main as we drive if I only need to make it a little bit further... While travelling in our other truck though Alaska I punctured a fuel tank, thankfully it didn't cause us any problem as I was able to fix it with a screw and a rubber washer.....but it got me thinking, if I was to puncture a tank on the trail and lose all of my fuel I could have been in trouble, this system allows me to repair the tank (once emptied) and then dump the aux tank fuel into it and on our way...the aux tank holds about 25-30 gallons.
I put the water separator in-line because while we were in Mexico we found we got a lot of crud and water in our fuel tanks, and this is often the case in other countries as well, this system hopefully will catch a good deal of it before it gets into the main tank..every now and then I will just hit the dump switch and bleed off a litre or so and that should keep the water out of the tank..

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Looks great - coming along very well! I like the intake grill on the Webasto too - good peace of mind.

... I may have to get creative and make a hot/cold mixing system as it easily gets too hot..or put a valve on the coolant inlet into the heat exchanger,...
re: this, when I set up my HE shower, I borrowed unwiredadventure's idea from here:
and plumbed in one of the thermostatic mixing valves on the hot-water output. Works a treat. Means you can shut off the showerhead completely, and when you turn it back on you don't get scalded (can't see if your showerhead lets you turn the water off at it? Mine has a slider). Great for saving water out in the field - makes a huge difference to how much you use.

Keep the updates coming.

Matto :)

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