price gouging.


I do too, I req'd stripper clips for a 6.5 Grendel but didn't have enough. So I was forced to take an SKS to the range to remove the x39 from my stash of S&B steel case corrosive. There was a pair of guys 70-ish there, I took a far bench and started banging away. Every now and then they wanted to cease fire so they could check their paper. Well as I got a 40x spotting scope I could see mine from the bench. So I'd load mags. They came back and started packing up, in the time they let 10 rds each I loosed 100 rds. It was a good day!


Search and Rescue first responder
I do too, I req'd stripper clips for a 6.5 Grendel but didn't have enough. So I was forced to take an SKS to the range to remove the x39 from my stash of S&B steel case corrosive. There was a pair of guys 70-ish there, I took a far bench and started banging away. Every now and then they wanted to cease fire so they could check their paper. Well as I got a 40x spotting scope I could see mine from the bench. So I'd load mags. They came back and started packing up, in the time they let 10 rds each I loosed 100 rds. It was a good day!

I don't think it's how many rounds you shoot that determines how much enjoyment you get from shooting. I bet those old guys had as much or more fun than you did..
I have thousands of rounds of assorted caliber ammo but I'm NOT going to go out and shoot hundreds at a time.


I had a blast shot 100 rounds. As an retired infantryman I've always enjoyed the art of musketry, it could be a mental thing too, after carrying it for so long, now it's weightless and you wished to had more! I did fairly well with minute of barn door the one i was shooting has. 100 m decent grouping. If I want accuracy I'll breakout my Grendel,but occasionally I'll grab my SVT 40, that thing is a tack driver using chinese 150 gr x54r! But I also picked up a Ruger Precision in 22 thats a hoot to shoot! And using the more is better,I've stocked up and can grab 100 of ammo xxx as a reloader i know what the depth of my hoard is.


There has always been 30¢ and 40¢ ammo. People skip over the 40¢ because there was the cheaper 30¢. Now that he cheap 30¢ is sold out you are finding the cheapest is the 40¢. So it has always been there, just ignored. But now you find it as the cheapest option it is suddenly gouging? That is just supply and demand. Supply is running low as demand rises and you are now looking at options that were passed over before.

Some of us stocked up when we could find deals. No plans on buying more for a couple of years at this point.


So the manufacturers are the ones who are price gouging... Ruag, the manufacturer who imports some of the best, inexpensive ammo (Norma 223TAC) has raised the price such that I make less profit selling a 500rd case at $225 than I did for the same case I used to sell at $150. Perhaps new logistical pressures have raised expenses for Ruag or perhaps their just price gouging...


Expedition Leader
There has always been 30¢ and 40¢ ammo. People skip over the 40¢ because there was the cheaper 30¢. Now that he cheap 30¢ is sold out you are finding the cheapest is the 40¢.

Um... No... Nope... thats wasnt it, great theory though. The same hornady bulk frontier went from 28c to 41c. I had saved the link as I was going to try some and didn't have my wallet on me when I ran across it.


Well-known member
I do too, I req'd stripper clips for a 6.5 Grendel but didn't have enough. So I was forced to take an SKS to the range to remove the x39 from my stash of S&B steel case corrosive. There was a pair of guys 70-ish there, I took a far bench and started banging away. Every now and then they wanted to cease fire so they could check their paper. Well as I got a 40x spotting scope I could see mine from the bench. So I'd load mags. They came back and started packing up, in the time they let 10 rds each I loosed 100 rds. It was a good day!


You watched some old guys sighting in their rifles?



I'm still working on the $9.99 per brick .22 ammo I bought when Obama got elected and shelves were all bare shortly pinch felt here yet ;-)

"How many boxes would you like?"

"Um, all of them?"

I had a buddy over the other day and he saw some of my .22 ammo.

Him "Geesh, you have a lot of .22 ammo."
Me "Oh, that stuff? Yeah I ran out of space where I normally store it."

Bought a boat load of it on black Friday when I could get 550rd boxes for $11.99.

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