Project "Autonomous" F-350


How about this one, LOL

That just makes me grin. Uncontrollably. I think I'm drooling a little too. Now I'm pretty sure my wife is convinced I'm looking at "dirty pictures on the internet" if she only knew how right she was! Really cool Pappa!

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Thanks all! No time to work on the truck; writing and sorting through the 4K photos I took over two days. High temps both days and lots of dirt/dust but very happy with my results.

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I'm guessing you plan to build out the new box prior to attaching it to the truck???

No, I was going to attach the box first. I don't know if I need to add wheel wells for tire clearance until I mount it. It may dictate where I can put things like the toilet and kitchen. Also, I would like to keep the Uhaul pull out ramp but not if it adds to my overall height.


New member
Gotcha. I'm sure it will be a challenge with all of the traveling you need to do. I'm looking forward to the build. Good luck!


Where's the box pictures. I love the race photos.

I have a friend who wants to buy the pop-up but has to come up with the cash. Until I can get the camper and bed off the truck I am kind of stuck. I don't have any photos of the interior design but it looks great in my head, LOL.


Expedition Leader
Well I know with your skills and vision it will be great. The Doc gave me a road block in my build so I have to live threw yours at the moment.


Well I know with your skills and vision it will be great. The Doc gave me a road block in my build so I have to live threw yours at the moment.

Sorry to hear that. I will do my best to keep everyone entertained. I am heading to the SEMA open house this afternoon to check out their new SEMA Garage - Industry Innovations Center. I am dropping my pitman arm parts off at TMR to get welded on the way.


I too share in that excitement. I think that box will make an awesome camper. Kind of a blank canvas. Sorry about your bad news Dango.

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Expedition Leader
Thank you for the concern just gives me time to plan.

I hope you find some useful items and info at Sema


New member
If you are going to repair a tire in the field, any balancing that was done is now compromised. Fixing a flat and then hitting the pavement for a couple hundred miles with an out of balance condition will kill your tire. I HATE! wheel weights but thankfully there is an awesome solution to this problem. I use Centramatic dynamic wheel balancers. It does not matter what the balance on the wheel and tire is, the Centramatic Dynamic balancers will make the wheel run smooth and true. They mount between the hub and the wheel. The minute I drove with the Centramatics I could feel the difference! If you hate wheel weights like me and want to get the most mileage out of your tires, wheel bearings, etc. you should check out Centramatic. I run the Centramatics and NO wheel weights.

I've researched the dynamic balancing solutions that use medium inside the actual tire, but have never seen these. I'm also running beadlocks for field serviceability (Hutchinson border patrol takeoffs with a Dana 60/14BFF axles) and hadn't really come up with a balancing solution I liked. Currently I've just got standard rim weights.

Do these Centramatic balancers mount between the rim and the hub? If they fit inside the 16" rims I've got, I'm sold. Did you go through a local dealer to get them, or should I get in contact with Centramatic directly?

Dig your project, your mentality and your work; have seen your shots around the web for a few years now. Hope to run into you on the road at some point.
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I've researched the dynamic balancing solutions that use medium inside the actual tire, but have never seen these. I'm also running beadlocks for field serviceability (Hutchinson border patrol takeoffs with a Dana 60/14BFF axles) and hadn't really come up with a balancing solution I liked. Currently I've just got standard rim weights.

Do these Centramatic balancers mount between the rim and the hub? If they fit inside the 16" rims I've got, I'm sold. Did you go through a local dealer to get them, or should I get in contact with Centramatic directly?

Dig your project, your mentality and your work; have seen your shots around the web for a few years now. Hope to run into you on the road at some point.

Yes, they mount between the wheel and the hub. So much easier than BB's or ball bearings plus the loose bearings bounce inside the tire and can damage your rims. The 8lug balancers I am running were originally designed for hummers. The bolt pattern is 8x6.5 and the outside diameter at the largest point is 13.5 inches. I called the factory because I was not sure they had an application for my truck. They have been very involved with me to make sure the balancers fit properly and performed correctly. They were unaware of anyone running them with 37 inch tall tires so they were anxious to hear my feedback. F-350's like mine normally ride like padded bricks but with the Atlas springs, SORD shackle reversal and Centramatic balancers my truck rides very smooth. I had never seen these balancers before I stumbled onto them. I wish I would have found them years ago. I have had so many trucks that rode like crap and/or killed tires due to out of balance issues. Thanks for the compliments, see you off the road!

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