The other day I went through the injectors to see if they were the source for my lack of chooch (asides from being a 35yr old 4banger naturally aspirated diesel). Lots of testing and cleaning. Seems they're all opening at around 10MPa which is a bit low from the 12-13MPa range. Also one is squirting in a stream instead of a mist so I'm going to pop in a new set next week. In the meantime I've been working on a '96 model rear axle. Don't haze me hard on swapping it from coils to leafs. In my ignorance I thought it would be much easier than it's ended up being but here we are. Here's the rundown on how it's been going.
Step1: find axle in a pick-n-pull with zero rust, 9.5" gear, 4:636:1 ratio, air locker. Check.
The donor was a '96 SR that was super clean! Sad to see these in the yard but happy to get a cheap'ish axle, compressor, plumbing, etc.

Quality office approves.

Here's where I'll catch hell. Strip the coil spring shenanigans so you can believe that leaf spring is the way to go.
Design perches and skids for the u-bolts which you'll discover you messed up because you didn't see that they should be identical and not mirrored. doh.

Assemble it together after waiting several months for OME/ARB to figure out how to ship u-bolts.

Begin the swap.

Discover that the 9.5" rear end has much more meat on the input flange which makes using the stock bolts/nuts impossible. hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Realize you've messed up the brake lines so much that you'll need to remake them. *sigh*
So now I'm at the point where I'm going to make some brake lines, sort out something on the input flange or modify the driveshaft. Finish welding up the perches. Make a new u-bolt skid that has the shock mount on the correct side. The pop that puppy back in. I've got it down to an art now for swapping that axle in and out. Should go in great once I've got the checklist sorted. More on that soon. In the meantime I've gotta get some work done on the daily driver minivan.
Step1: find axle in a pick-n-pull with zero rust, 9.5" gear, 4:636:1 ratio, air locker. Check.
The donor was a '96 SR that was super clean! Sad to see these in the yard but happy to get a cheap'ish axle, compressor, plumbing, etc.

Quality office approves.

Here's where I'll catch hell. Strip the coil spring shenanigans so you can believe that leaf spring is the way to go.

Design perches and skids for the u-bolts which you'll discover you messed up because you didn't see that they should be identical and not mirrored. doh.

Assemble it together after waiting several months for OME/ARB to figure out how to ship u-bolts.

Begin the swap.

Discover that the 9.5" rear end has much more meat on the input flange which makes using the stock bolts/nuts impossible. hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Realize you've messed up the brake lines so much that you'll need to remake them. *sigh*
So now I'm at the point where I'm going to make some brake lines, sort out something on the input flange or modify the driveshaft. Finish welding up the perches. Make a new u-bolt skid that has the shock mount on the correct side. The pop that puppy back in. I've got it down to an art now for swapping that axle in and out. Should go in great once I've got the checklist sorted. More on that soon. In the meantime I've gotta get some work done on the daily driver minivan.