Maybe you can train your neighbor and have him do the repetitive drilling and welding for the tracks?
I won`t let him use the drill press. I don`t want to be responsible if his fingers get tangled in the drill bit. I did this myself one time, so i know how dangerous this thing is...
I think you should sell me your van for $20, and toss in free shipping.
Love the build.
Are the tires going to be off center in the tracks? will it put pressure one way or the other and want to throw the tracks?
Yes the tires will be off center, but the big Pistenbully snowcats have them off center too, so i don`t think there will be problems...
Started cutting the tire guides today:
While the saw was cutting i started drilling:
800 holes later:
Then i made a welding jig:
My neighbor grinded the pieces while i started welding:
When we called it a day: