the washer fluid jug was on the fender and the charcoal canister well... I seriously think they thought of the dual battery thing in mind for like the diesels because the bracket that mounts the canister to the fender had mounting holes to drop it 2" which is what i needed to clear the hood. All I did was move the washer jug straight out onto the new frame i built.
The Battery mount is from Artec Industries. They do make a single mount for the PC1500 or Diehard equivalent. If you do choose a dual keep in mind the 34/78 (with side posts) will NOT fit with side posts facing in. I still have to get terminal covers.
I would have used tinned terminals but I needed to order a larger quantity then I wanted to get at the time. The heat shrink wrapping on all the main cables are weather sealed with a epoxy glue that oozes out and cures when it cools and seals the end. The crimping tool I use it this crimper here. It may seem a bit expensive for such a small task but it gets the job done right.
I changed the long bolts on the mill spec terminals from 2.25" to 2.5" so I can double nut as you see.
The battery mount came with Allen bolts and nuts but that would have been almost impossible to get to the nuts underneath so I made my own nut strips with extra length on an end for a handle.
All the main cable is 2ga with the extra abrasive resistant cover. I test this stuff and you practically have to saw into it to get thru. Its stiff as hell but it isnt gonna wear thru and ground out.
The grey wires off the positive terminal or fusible links for the two relay/fuse boxes. The relay boxes used 10ga wire both fro the positive and negative. All heat shrink is the weather seal stuff.