Project T100: "Baja Explorer Ver. 2"


Expedition Leader
Super Jealous of that roof rack you made. I hope to make something similar to yours. I want my rig to be able to do exactly what you have set yours up for, baja!
Im big on surfing and diving so once I get my rig set up lets take a surf trip to baja. If you dont mind me asking, where in SoCal are you?



Pool Boy
Ive camped in the boulders/cacti of Catavina. A stunning spectacle of mother nature and a good distance from the border. I am planning on going down again in January, I would love to pick your brain on some other good places to camp. I think I have been to place of the last photo as well, if it is where I think it is.


SDDiver5 - Currently I'm living in Carpinteria which could be considered central Cali by some, but I have family and have lived in San Diego and Orange Co. so I am down there quite often. I love my rack too, I'm actually making another one for a friends rig right now.
hoptroll - Just PM me with your questions although there is a lot of info on this site as well in the Trips section. Yes you probably have been to that spot, its probably the most famous of all Baja.


Expedition Leader
a few days ago there was a 97 t100 just like yours that came in the shop. it had a CEL, misfire on number 6. i had to jump on here to make sure if it was yours or not. it had a camper shell and a outside rack with a bunch of surf boards. i think he was from imperial beach


Expedition Leader
not the best. figure it wasnt you so i didnt take any good ones
they even had a bed platform in the back. so they did alot of what you do. surfing and sleeping in the truck



89s rule

Looks like a great trip! I keep meaning ti make some screens for when we are out camping as well, they would have come in real handy several times, especially when it gets hot at night.

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