Propane tank....???


Expedition Leader
Gasman, thanks for all the safety info on this stuff.

Ok, so after looking at your Kerboom photos, I need to move my tank outside the trailer. But now, it's not safe to put it on the back? I was going to do that, similar to some of the African built trailers I've seen. Is this the type of thing, I could actually get in trouble for? MTO will pull me over? If I put the tank on a bracket on the back wall, all I need to do to set up camp is run the hoses to my hot water heater and stove.

If I put it on the A frame, I'll need to go get it, carry it to the back, put it on the ground, and run the hoses. Not a big deal, but just that much more of a PITA.

Now, as for bulk storage at home.

Is it safe to store my propane in my shed which is 100 feet behind my house? I've got a 20lbs propane tank, and about 20 gallons of gasoline in there now. I also try to keep my little 1lbers in there too when I remember. It's not exactly vented, but it is not airtight by any stretch.

My M-size argon in the attached garage should be fine, because it's inert, right?


Expedition Leader
Ok, not as big as you'd hoped. But was it still cool?

abso-freakin-lutely !! i have since moved on to much bigger and louder things.

lefebvre,, remember the real danger in leaking gas is a well sealed enclosed space, if your shed is like mine its perfectly safe to fart in while smoking.


no problem .. although i have been in the heating biz 30 years i dont work with a lot of propane.. and then when i do it is in residential applications, my cousins however own a propane company,, and if i have any questions i go to them,, i was going to mount a 10lb er on the fender of my trailer and my cousin just about smaked me upside the head.. our regulations may differ some from the states. but to me they make sense in a nut shell it says the tank must be muonted insde the frame of the trailer .if it is inside the enclosed trailer its gotta be in a ventilated box.. so that only leaves one place for my trailer and that is on the tounge.... and yes the mto will pull you over


Expedition Leader
Well, I guess that settles it. At least the bracket will be easy to make. Unfortunately it has to go at the front of the tongue, not the back, since my motorcycle mounts at the back.


sorry rob i didnt answer all of your question .. yes store your propane and stuff in the shed or garage.. best place for it.. you really dont want it in the house .. if anything ever happened even thought that wasnt the cause.. your insurance co may not cover you ... that would also apply to the other crap like paints and thinners and stuff that everybody always stores next to the furnace.. right beside the cat litter box in front of the water heater..


I'm currently debating what stove to get currently (another subject) however, the one I am currently looking at would require a 5lb tank. I only have a Jeep JK (no trailer). What would my options be for mounting the tank on/in the Jeep?


I'm currently debating what stove to get currently (another subject) however, the one I am currently looking at would require a 5lb tank. I only have a Jeep JK (no trailer). What would my options be for mounting the tank on/in the Jeep?

my official answer is i dont know.. i wouldnt want to mount it to the outside of my daily driver.. if its just for weekend trips i would just make sure it was secured in an uprite position in the back of the jeep.. i will be picking up 5 pounder from my cousin some time next week . i will ask him for an official answer..
i see people filling thier bbq.tanks there all the time and they just put then in the trunk.. so i would assume there is no law against it... but you know what happens when you assume things.....


Well, this is going to be for a three week road trip / camping trip. We will be going through 7 states and I believe that you cannot go through tunnels with an LP tank.


Expedition Leader
Would a propane detector make this situation safer?

I gotta think, what good does the tank outside do, if most RV's are plumbing the proane inside anyway?


Well, this is going to be for a three week road trip / camping trip. We will be going through 7 states and I believe that you cannot go through tunnels with an LP tank.

get outta town .. you cant drive thru a tunnel? havnt heard that one before, i dont know about that ..cuz i saw my cousin drivin through the thorold tunnel with his service truck and he prolly has 40 cylinders on his truck , and i know he goes thru there with his bulk truck daily.. could be a local regulation ?


Would a propane detector make this situation safer?

I gotta think, what good does the tank outside do, if most RV's are plumbing the proane inside anyway?

good friggin question, while the vehicle is in motion , the tanks are supposed to be turned off, when the tank is inside the trailer or rv, it is supposed to be in a box sealed and vented to the outside ,,, i suppose when you are turning it back on you should be checking that you lines are secure and not leaking.. i bet it would be written in the owners manual that nobody reads .. so they are not liable, it is possible that connections could come loose while bouncing down the road , you gotta know your equipment, and at least check it regularly.. how often would depend on a lot of things..


get outta town .. you cant drive thru a tunnel? havnt heard that one before, i dont know about that ..cuz i saw my cousin drivin through the thorold tunnel with his service truck and he prolly has 40 cylinders on his truck , and i know he goes thru there with his bulk truck daily.. could be a local regulation ?

It is legal if you are placarded.


Rendezvous Conspirator
Well, this is going to be for a three week road trip / camping trip. We will be going through 7 states and I believe that you cannot go through tunnels with an LP tank.

I seriously doubt that this would apply to "personal" volumes of LP gas. Do they really expect every RV on the road to bypass all those tunnels? More likely this is a specific restriction against LPG refill trucks or other large commercial volumes.

Moreover, unless the thing is bolted to your rear bumper and you drive slow through the tunnel in front of the world's meanest cop, I doubt you'd ever ever have an issue with it...


I think I might just the the 5lb mounting bracket from AT and mount the tank just inside the tailgate for quick access. I just don't like the idea of having on the roof rack.

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